Donation protected
Dick Wilberforce has worked for over 50 years to preserve and promote the future of Lesser Prairie Chickens. Dick has used a blind near Glazier TX for over 15 years to give birders and photograpers the rare opportunity to see these critically endangered birds. Dick has hosted people from around the globe at this lek. His efforst in research and promotion have done a great deal for these wonderful birds.March 6, 2017 a devastating wildfire burned this lek and a very large area of Lesser Prairie Chicken habitat.
Dick is a retiered veteran living on a very limited retierment income. The loss of this lek has impacted him and his wife greatly. Please consider helping this great conservationist and wildlife photographer.
Dick is a retiered veteran living on a very limited retierment income. The loss of this lek has impacted him and his wife greatly. Please consider helping this great conservationist and wildlife photographer.
Sue Selman
Buffalo, OK