Wild Bill's Ride for Kids
Support KIDS by Supporting Wild Bill!
“Wild Bill” and the Oregon City Optimist Club greatly appreciate all donations to raise funds supporting children and youth in Oregon City.
“Wild Bill” Upton is at it again….riding his bike across the country! In 2007, Oregon City resident, Bill Upton, rode his bicycle across the country for the thrill! Quite a feat for a 65-year-old!
Now, he’s at it again, and this time he's raising funds to support children and youth in Oregon City! At 75 years of age, Bill and six friends are leaving San Diego on March 5, 2017 and bicycling to St. Augustine, Florida, traveling 3,100 miles, crossing 8 states in 50 days!
Bill is a former teacher and coach in Oregon City and has a deep desire to see children and youth succeed in life. Bill is also a longtime member of the Oregon City Optimist Club. Bill is using the trip to raise funds to support children and youth in Oregon City. Bill is funding his trip with his own money, so all donations will go toward the kids’ projects chosen by the Oregon City Optimist Club. A sampling of the projects include:
· Sports camps
· Clothing for homeless or disadvantaged youth
· Student sports and events, such as JROTC, Chess for Success, graduation party, Pay-to-Play Sports, Pioneer Pantry (food for hungry students)
· Local library needs
· Therapeutic riding stables
· More!
Your donation will go directly to one or more of the above programs – to make a difference for children and youth in the Oregon City community.
PLEASE CONSIDER A GIFT OF ANY AMOUNT. $5.00 is not too small! Thank you very much for your contribution!
Follow the highlights of “Wild Bill’s” ride at: https://www.facebook.com/OCoptimist/
OREGON CITY OPTIMIST CLUB is one of nearly 2,900 Optimist Clubs affiliated with Optimist International, which is a non-profit organization with approximately 8,700 members. Optimist Clubs, first established in 1911, are a “Friend of Youth,” making a difference for young people in the community. Oregon City’s chapter has been active since 1952!