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Children's Cancer Research Funding

Spende geschützt
100% of donations go towards finding a cure for childrens Ewing's Sarcoma Cancer

My story

I am a 26 year old male from Australia who moved to Canada to pursue a PhD in Engineering in 2017. Diagnosed with Ewing Sarcoma Cancer in July. I have had 5 spinal surgeries since my diagnosis. Before the first 2 surgeries I was temporarily a paraplegic. The loss of control of my lower extremities happened quite suddenly. I am beginning to regain control of my lower body and functionality is returning day by day. I contracted MRSA Super Bug 11 days after my first surgery which really set things back (this lead to 3 more surgeries to deal with the infection). I am currently trying 10 months through chemo treatment with 1.5 months to go. After chemo I will have a 6th and hopefully final surgery to remove the last bits of cancer near my spinal cord. I am so well supported by my friends/family in both Canada and Australia. I am also greatly supported by the University of Calgary while I am temporarily out of action. I welcome this cancer challenge and I look forward to beating it.

Follow along with past and future health updates at


Targeted Charities 

Ewing's Cancer Foundation of Canada:

What they do with the donation

Provide research grants to establish testing for early detection of Ewing sarcoma.

Fund research to enable scientists to unlock the genetic basis of Ewing sarcoma.

Expand the pool of medical researchers working in the field of Ewing sarcoma by funding Ewing sarcoma research.

Promote and assist Ewing sarcoma researchers by acting as a liaison between patients, researchers and oncologists.

Eliminate pain, suffering and death due to Ewing sarcoma by finding more effective treatment options which will ultimately lead to the cure.

Australian Cancer Research Foundation:

What they do with the donation

We are committed to funding the very best, most innovative cancer research projects in the country. These research initiatives have the power to make real progress in the fight against all types of cancer.

1 AUD = 1 CAD


  • Narelle Spencer
    • $100
    • 6 yrs


Joshua Winfield
Calgary, AB

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