Sex In The US Project
I travel the country talking to other non-conforming members of society gathering photographs of my journey, photographs of my speakers and writing down their stories. I speak to prostitutes, dancers, massage workers, brothel holders, dungeon masters, kink players, swingers, fellow pornstars, sugar-babies, anyone that freely expresses their sexuality whether for pay or not and is willing to talk to me. I stop at both major metropolitan cities and small towns in fly-over states looking for speakers, attending alternative life events and sex conventions - doing sex work myself to pay for my entire journey, as a “guest” dancer to strip clubs around the country.
The big game plan is to put all of the images I take on this trip together with each speaker’s words and publish them into a book that I hope every hand in America touches.
The focus is sex and sex work, yes, sexually open people and sex workers (I feel) are the ones out here getting hit the hardest with unsolicited hatred and prejudice, but the message is something anyone can learn to relate to:
“We are all human beings. We all have morally corrupt desires, we all do weird shit that we don’t want anyone to know about and we would all be better individuals in this world if we stopped judging others for what they do with their bodies and started judging others solely on the intention they have in their hearts.”
So far, my travels have enlightened me mentally and emotionally to such a degree that if by the end this whole thing it was just some manic episode - I won’t even be upset about it. If I’m able to touch just one person like me, who has gone through hell and back socially because they are “different” - I’ve done something worth being proud of.
Any financial support from this page helps me put food in my belly and gas in my tank to keep going while I try to grind and make up as much money myself dancing when I’m not writing or shooting images.
Until the book is published you can view my journey on my website, Facebook or Instagram:
If you can’t donate financially, any leads to stories or collaborations with other who want to spread love and this project are appreciated.