Donation protected
The good news: Jeannie and Paul have settled into their new home and the rescued animals of Phoenix have settled into their enclosures in the Paddock.
The Not-So-Good news: The rising cost of living, animal feeds and supplies are causing a severe drain on Jeannie and Paul's resources. In order to care for their existing rescued animals and to continue the vital animal rescue work carried out by Phoenix, donations are needed more than ever.
An urgent requirement is for a dedicated water supply to the paddock. This will benefit the animals and alsomake things easier for Jeannie and Paul - who do not enjoy the best of health - to eliminate the need for carrying heavy buckets of water. The estimated cost for the connection of a dedicated water supply is £3,000.
If you can help by making a one-off donation or committing to a regular monthly donation, no matter how small, your help would be gratefully appreciated.
Phoenix has risen from the ashes of eviction; now let it rise further to continue its vital work.
The good news: Jeannie and Paul have settled into their new home and the rescued animals of Phoenix have settled into their enclosures in the Paddock.
The Not-So-Good news: The rising cost of living, animal feeds and supplies are causing a severe drain on Jeannie and Paul's resources. In order to care for their existing rescued animals and to continue the vital animal rescue work carried out by Phoenix, donations are needed more than ever.
An urgent requirement is for a dedicated water supply to the paddock. This will benefit the animals and alsomake things easier for Jeannie and Paul - who do not enjoy the best of health - to eliminate the need for carrying heavy buckets of water. The estimated cost for the connection of a dedicated water supply is £3,000.
If you can help by making a one-off donation or committing to a regular monthly donation, no matter how small, your help would be gratefully appreciated.
Phoenix has risen from the ashes of eviction; now let it rise further to continue its vital work.
Jeannie says: "Phoenix PAWS is one of the only sanctuaries that takes birds and animals others refuse as being regarded as 'pests', such as pigeons. Recently we have been inundated with pigeons needing help, from babies to injured adults. We have a firm non-destruction policy for any bird or animal with a quality of life, knowing from experience that if any creature is happy and content it will thrive. So we have many pigeons etc. that cannot go back to the wild for various reasons. We therefore urgently need to build new aviaries plus a secure flight unit for young pigeons and birds to learn to fly properly before release. Many of our animal units also badly need repairs and renewal, especially if these are to be moved to a new location.
"Unfortunately, we have lost two regular fundraisers. This has meant a 50% drop in our regular monthly income causing huge problems. We struggle with costs ever going up, managing only to afford the food and bedding etc. for the residents but not leaving enough for the extras we need, let alone the costs of relocating the sanctuary.
"Please can you help those like Walter (pictured) to have the safe and secure home they, like all creatures in need deserve to have.
"Thank you for your support on behalf of the birds and animals in need."
Nick Mays