Our Medical Records
My business partner and I are looking for seed money to finish building a working model of a medical record service for patients which will consolidate their medical records. We wish to leverage this non profit service by offering the platform that we will develop, as a set of Cloud based APIs that can be used by any business that needs to encrypt data for security reasons.
The Medical Records Service will accept all patients regardless of ability to pay but we assume that most people will be able to pay a monthly subscription fee and may also be willing to help sponsor others who cannot afford to pay. We will obtain permission from patients to obtain on an ongoing basis, copies of all their medical records, including doctor visits, images (MRIs etc), prescriptions actually filled, insurance coverage and claims information and other personal information such as medical proxies. The data will be encrypted using a new highly performant algorithm and access to data will be defined by roles. Patients will have complete audit trails as to who has veiwed their information. Their providers will have free access to their complete information, 24 X 7 which will be completely secure.
To build this solution we are developing a set of services that will be serve as a for profit business that will enable the many businesses which manage personal data, to encrypt their data in a cost effective way. There are currently no real cost effective solutions for encryption that also manage the complexities of (encryption)key management. OMR has solved this problem, however we need money to finish our design work and so we can obtain the major funding we need to get to market with a rigorous demo. We have tried Kickstarter, and several organizations who help companies in early phases but we have been turned down for various reasons.
We believe the patient has no voice in ACA right now. We believe until the patient has their data consolidated where they and all of their providers can view the same information that there is too much risk for the patient from incorrect data.
One estimate from a patient advocate group is that as much as 80% of medical data is incorrect. I personally have had two experiences of my providers trying to schedule me for tests or treatments that were not needed.
We all see the number of data breaches, and these are by government agencies, so it is clear that many organizations have not yet encrypted their data and are not safe from hackers. The average hospital, or insurance company are also at great risk for exposure to hackers.
My business partner has spent over 7 years working with encrypted databases(in the military and is credentialed for top secret work) and has developed a new algorithm that will enable customers to use any open source (Unix) database with our cloud based services greatly lowering the cost of implementation and ownership. The services will make roles transparent so that while some (such as a patient) will see all the information, someone from your insurance company will see only your coverages and claims (for example since sometimes you will benefit from t heir ability to see doctors' notes).
We would like to be able to fund 3 - 4 people for a few months while we locate major funding and a medical partner to help us with our second pilot. Our first pilot will be to open the software to the hacker community using fake data. However once we are satisfied with our security we will run a pilot with real patients and doctors to test all aspects of our system.
We both recently attended a meeting held by the AMA and Mass Medical Society and many doctors also feel that until you focus Electronic Health Systems on the patient, controlled by the patient, that the doctors will continue to have to communicate through draconian methods. (faxes)
Only the patient can give access to the entire picture of their health and it is the patient who needs to be empowered to consolidate their information to ensure their providers CAN provide the best care.
We would be open to integrating with existing EHRs as a way to leverage their offering since anyone who could offer seamless access to COMPLETE data, data that goes beyond their practice or hospital, should be of great interest to the medical community.