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Senseless Death

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This is my youngest son Journey Kennedy. Journey was my joy. He was my baby and I spoiled him yes I did. He was close to his mother and he would say to me almost daily that he would always stay with me. His life was taken due to a robbery on 6-20-2015. All that know my son know that he was kind and he never harmed or caused problems for nobody. Journey's death was a shock and a painful surprise to us all. I never thought my son would only be here for 20 years. He was just getting his life started and he just stared working. His job came with no insurance. We are asking those who care and know me and my family to help me to funeralize my son speedily with dignity and with respect.  Thank you and may God bless each and every one.

Julia A. Kennedy


  • Eslam (Helen n Ronnie) Locklear
    • $50
    • 9 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Juila Kennedy
Lumberton, NC
Julia kennedy

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