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Help Baset Study Music @Interlochen

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Update: Leann Burger will be Baset's college sponsor, and invites you to support his higher education and keep in touch with his journey via her new campaign: https://www.gofundme.com/afghan-trumpeter

Young Afghan Trumpeter AhmadBaset (“Baset”) Wants to Change Lives Through Music and Study in Peace

Once outlawed by the Taliban, and against the backdrop of regular terrorist activity and relative poverty, AhmadBaset Azizi’s study at the Afghanistan National Institute of Music (ANIM) has inspired him to serve others through music performance and education. I am one of several professional musicians worldwide excited about Baset, his progress, passion and goals. Join me in helping him use a generous scholarship to finish high school at Michigan's Interlochen Arts Academy beginning fall of 2016.  

The funds raised in this campaign will cover Baset's remaining tuition ($16K), school fees, supplies and travel.  Surplus will be used judiciously to defray the costs of school break room/board/entertainment, and the balance will be reserved for his future educational needs.

Baset’s father encouraged his study at ANIM, which provides musically inclined students a comprehensive, free education in a co-ed setting.  Baset began there in 2011 and quickly progressed on the trumpet until his private teacher left in 2014. An avid student, he has since made exceptional use of guest clinicians and online opportunities to advance his trumpet playing (outside of ANIM's activities, there are few opportunities to play or hear live music in Afghanistan). Baset has the personal & musical skills for a music career, but needs a setting like Interlochen to prepare for college auditions.
Baset’s father, a Ministry of Defense employee, supports his family of five & his oldest daughter’s college tuition on $4800 US annually. He will secure a loan as possible, but the balance is still out of reach for this family and Baset cannot work on his student visa.

~ Material donations you might consider include:

* United Airlines or American miles for travel back to Kabul and within the states during school breaks
* clothing gift cards (Target, LL Bean)
* Student version of Microsoft Office for Mac 

With appreciation for your consideration and support, 

~David Bilger
Principal Trumpet, Philadelphia Orchestra

~The Azizi family

The campaign thanks  DFW International Community Alliance for its assistance early in this campaign by processing initial large gifts.

The $2500 enrollment deposit was paid well before deadline and a US sponsor has been confirmed.  Thanks to all who made these early goals possible!


  • Jeanne Pike
    • $25
    • 8 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

David Bilger
Lower Merion Township, PA
Robin Korevaar

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