Support Westallion Brewing Company!
Donation protected
Welcome to West Allis. It is a city with a population of over 60,000. It plays host to the Wisconsin State Fair, the Milwaukee Mile and the West Allis Farmers’ Market. It is a city that grew with the presence of Allis-Chalmers and it is a city that continues to grow and become more diverse, just the same as those that come here.
But West Allis is still a city without a brewery to call its own. .....Until we came along.
.....and we’re going to change that. Westallion Brewing Company will be the brewery that West Allis can be proud of. A brewery that will carve its own unique identity into the beer industry, just as West Allis has carved its own unique identity. A brewery for all of us.
Why, Westallion?
Because every dollar goes directly into immediate start up needs. In other words, every bit of your support will be directed at whatever will get us from here, to having our doors open to you, fastest. By mid October we're hoping to move into our new home, and from there the race begins. Bit by bit, a building becomes a brewery. Old walls are torn down and reconstructed. Utilities are put into place to feed a brew house, and a public space. An empty production floor receives brewing equipment. An old office space becomes a tasting room.
We have the vision and we have the team. Now we just need some help.
With your help, we can get to work on turning this concept into a reality. We can bring a new life and a new excitement into the city through beer. Even better, we’ll do it with really good beer! We’ll make it, sell it, and even offer a tasting/ tap room for you to come and try the whole range of them.
What kinds of beers? Oh yes, of course... You can expect to see beers like a Vienna Lager, Scottish Ale and a Bavarian Hefeweizen in our lineup alongside seasonals like Imperial Stouts and Oktoberfests.
We hope that our tasting room becomes an inviting place for you, and your entire family. As a family run business, we understand the necessity to be equally accommodating to our children as well, sometimes.
Every dollar makes a difference.
And that’s why we’d like to start rewarding you right away for your support! Listed below are a series of contribution levels that offer various rewards. Once rewards become available, they can be picked up at the brewery location or though mail by e-mailing your address to the contact info provided. For t-shirt/ sweatshirt rewards, please specify size/ color. (please note: you can contribute any dollar amount you wish towards this campaign)

Erik Dorfner
Milwaukee, WI