Blessing Bags for the homeless
Donation protected
My name is Krystyn and Sacramento is my hometown. With the holidays approaching, & the giving spirit in full effect, my family & I are putting on our first "Blessing Bag" event. We would like to get all of Sacramento to help us put this event together. A "Blessing Bag" will consist of soap, toothpaste, toothbrushes, wash rags, razors, shampoo, conditioner, lotion, socks, gloves & a some snacks. I am also putting a event together on December 24th to hand the bags out to the less fortunate people who live right here in our community. Anything is a blessing and all your donations are greatly appreciated. I do need help to pass bags out on December 24th, so anyone who is interested, please contact me. Let's do this Sacramento! Let's put all our love together & give back to our community!
KryStyn HummEr
Citrus Heights, CA