YallaPunk Fest & Conference 2018
Tax deductible
We're an intersectional community of Middle Eastern and North African creatives; we gather at a festival and conference every year to celebrate accomplishments and foster the development of minds.
+ We just turned one year old!
We're a toddler and we're learning how to walk! We've accomplished significant milestones for an organization of our size, like being fiscally sponsored by CultureTrust of Greater Philadelphia and thereby gaining nonprofit status, building an intersectional dream community of the brightest creatives we could find, bringing out hundreds of MENA creatives to our first annual event last year right here in Philadelphia. The festival included music, comedy, and poetry acts in addition to film screenings, panel discussion, and talks on issues that affect our community. This is just the beginning.
+ There's still a lot of work to do.
Last year, we formed quickly as a response to negative depictions in mainstream media in the wake of the Muslim Ban, hate crimes, and overall animosity towards MENA individuals. We had a pilot event, we needed tangible proof that there was a need for our work and that people cared enough to support us. You told us how important our work is (thank you) and we listened. This year we're refining the way we do things: We were lucky to get the attention of some big-name acts last year, and we'd like to continue that this year. We're aiming for more big-name headliners, we'd like to pay all of our contributing artists a living wage for their invaluable contributions. As working musicians, we understand how trying the creative economy can be. We want to take care of our community.
+Here's how:
We're building a bigger and better experience for attendees and contributors that centers Middle Easter and North African voices. We don't want to simply react to negative sentiments against MENA voices, we want to make sure MENA voices are heard by creating an experience that is welcoming to everyone. Carefully curated entertainment acts will have something for everyone, while the conference portion of the event will include educational seminars. It's our way of sharing emotional labor, so none of us have to go at it alone.
+Join us in building this community!
We're trying to raise $5000 this year through crowdfunding. It's been tough for foundations to figure out where we belong in funding categories because we're so intersectional. The money we raise will go towards paying for programming expenses, artists, and to recoup expenses for our event. We're a volunteer-run organization, we pour our hearts into our work.
+And here’s what you'll get in return:
(Our first donor will be recognized on the $40 level)
$25: A social media shoutout!
$40: A personal video shoutout from us and a poster!
$100 A weekend pass and a personal video shoutout!
$150 All of the above and a salty camel t-shirt!
$250 All of the above and a meet and greet with one of the bands! Additionally, you'll also get to find out our final line-up before everyone else does!
$300 LIVE KARAOKE, your choice, your song. We sing it. Including all of the above.
Remember, all of your donations are tax-deductible!
This year our band lineup includes...
Hello Psychaleppo
"Hello Psychaleppo!" is a project fusing Arab heritage music and electronic sounds. Rare melodies of the bedouin "Mawwals" and choirs of old Tarab are carefully crafted with electronic solos and traditional "old school "arrangements giving this music a highly distinguishable and contemporary feel.
City of Djinn
City of Djinn is a duo that creates a sonic tapestry of dark, psychedelic, drone rock that draws from experimental musicvernacular as well maqam tradition.
Albuquerque-based experimental musician, A. Bilal.
A singer/songwriter/survivor. Here to spread joy and pick flowers.
This is just a taste of our amazing lineup, stay tuned for more information!
YallaPunk is fiscally sponsored by CultureTrust of Greater Philadelphia, it's a nonprofit management commons. They don't manage * us * they manage * with * us. We contract with them to use their nonprofit status to make your donations tax deductible.
+ We just turned one year old!
We're a toddler and we're learning how to walk! We've accomplished significant milestones for an organization of our size, like being fiscally sponsored by CultureTrust of Greater Philadelphia and thereby gaining nonprofit status, building an intersectional dream community of the brightest creatives we could find, bringing out hundreds of MENA creatives to our first annual event last year right here in Philadelphia. The festival included music, comedy, and poetry acts in addition to film screenings, panel discussion, and talks on issues that affect our community. This is just the beginning.
+ There's still a lot of work to do.
Last year, we formed quickly as a response to negative depictions in mainstream media in the wake of the Muslim Ban, hate crimes, and overall animosity towards MENA individuals. We had a pilot event, we needed tangible proof that there was a need for our work and that people cared enough to support us. You told us how important our work is (thank you) and we listened. This year we're refining the way we do things: We were lucky to get the attention of some big-name acts last year, and we'd like to continue that this year. We're aiming for more big-name headliners, we'd like to pay all of our contributing artists a living wage for their invaluable contributions. As working musicians, we understand how trying the creative economy can be. We want to take care of our community.
+Here's how:
We're building a bigger and better experience for attendees and contributors that centers Middle Easter and North African voices. We don't want to simply react to negative sentiments against MENA voices, we want to make sure MENA voices are heard by creating an experience that is welcoming to everyone. Carefully curated entertainment acts will have something for everyone, while the conference portion of the event will include educational seminars. It's our way of sharing emotional labor, so none of us have to go at it alone.
+Join us in building this community!
We're trying to raise $5000 this year through crowdfunding. It's been tough for foundations to figure out where we belong in funding categories because we're so intersectional. The money we raise will go towards paying for programming expenses, artists, and to recoup expenses for our event. We're a volunteer-run organization, we pour our hearts into our work.
+And here’s what you'll get in return:
(Our first donor will be recognized on the $40 level)
$25: A social media shoutout!
$40: A personal video shoutout from us and a poster!
$100 A weekend pass and a personal video shoutout!
$150 All of the above and a salty camel t-shirt!
$250 All of the above and a meet and greet with one of the bands! Additionally, you'll also get to find out our final line-up before everyone else does!
$300 LIVE KARAOKE, your choice, your song. We sing it. Including all of the above.
Remember, all of your donations are tax-deductible!
This year our band lineup includes...
Hello Psychaleppo
"Hello Psychaleppo!" is a project fusing Arab heritage music and electronic sounds. Rare melodies of the bedouin "Mawwals" and choirs of old Tarab are carefully crafted with electronic solos and traditional "old school "arrangements giving this music a highly distinguishable and contemporary feel.
City of Djinn
City of Djinn is a duo that creates a sonic tapestry of dark, psychedelic, drone rock that draws from experimental musicvernacular as well maqam tradition.
Albuquerque-based experimental musician, A. Bilal.
A singer/songwriter/survivor. Here to spread joy and pick flowers.
This is just a taste of our amazing lineup, stay tuned for more information!
YallaPunk is fiscally sponsored by CultureTrust of Greater Philadelphia, it's a nonprofit management commons. They don't manage * us * they manage * with * us. We contract with them to use their nonprofit status to make your donations tax deductible.
Rana Fayez
Philadelphia, PA
CultureTrust Greater Philadelphia