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Lungs for Linda Brady

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“One of the earliest definitions of “patient” is one who endures hardships without complaint.”  Author ~ Paul Kalanithi from When Breath Becomes Air.

Linda Brady urgently needs your help. Diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis (CF) at age nine, she was told she would not live past her high school years.  (Read more about this devastating disease below.)   Miraculously, Linda has lived many years beyond the typical life expectancy for those with this fatal disease.  In order to slow the progression of her CF, Linda has, and continues, a time-consuming and exhausting daily home regimen of aerosol treatments, chest physical therapy and countless medications.  Her home care regimen has become ineffective over the years and she has had to spend many lengthy and stressful hospital admissions requiring IV antibiotics and intense respiratory, nutritional and physical therapies. 

At twenty-one, Linda met and married Bill, the love of her life.  Despite the many hospital admissions, surgeries and daily health challenges CF presented, and with her husband's encouragement, Linda graduated from college with honors and a degree in nursing.  But now, at 53 years old, her lung capacity has dramatically decreased to only 20 percent.  She is in desperate need of a bi-lateral lung transplant, and was recently admitted to the hospital for cardiac and pulmonary procedures to prepare her for the transplant.

Linda and Bill’s friends have created this site to help them with the many costs they will incur for Linda’s lung transplant that are not covered by insurance. These include temporary lodging close to the hospital for a couple of months of pulmonary rehabilitation, lab work, bronchoscopies and other therapies during the initial intensive rehabilitation period.  This will be followed by travel expenses including gas, tolls, parking, etc. and co-pays for visits as Linda continues to be monitored by the transplant team.  The many prescription drugs she will need to take for the rest of her life to prevent her body from rejecting the transplanted lungs are extremely costly.  Additionally, as a lung transplant patient, Linda will need a live-in twenty-four hour support person for several months which will result in lost wages for her husband, Bill. 

Linda is a gifted nurse, devoted wife, loyal friend, and all around beautiful person. Please consider donating to the Lungs for Linda Brady Fund. No donation is too small. Thank you in advance for your generosity!  We will keep you updated as Linda’s story progresses.

Please continue reading and share Linda's story with friends and family by using the links at the top of the page to social media outlets.  Text messages may be sent with a link to "Lungs for Linda Brady" by clicking the "+" button under "+ Read More"  on mobile devices.   Thank you for your kindness in spreading the word.

You can read more about CF, and about Linda and Bill, below.

More About CF

Cystic Fibrosis (CF) is an inherited chronic disease that affects the lungs and digestive system of approximately 30,000 children and young adults in the US. It is the highest genetic killer of children in the US and there is no cure. This disease requires daily regimens of aerosol treatments, chest physiotherapy, and many medications, and its victims endure frequent hospital stays throughout their lives. Currently, the average life expectancy of a person with CF in the US is approximately 37.5 years, and it is increasing as researchers discover new treatments and medications.  Respiratory failure is the most common cause of death in people who have cystic fibrosis. 

To learn more about this complicated disease, please visit

About Linda and Bill

Despite CF, Linda managed to live a “normal” life for many years. She worked full time as an RN, and often traveled with Bill and his running friends to the many marathons they ran.  Bill is so devoted to Linda that he originally took up running to stay healthy so that he could take care of her as they aged together.  Linda is also a gifted photographer and expert gardener, and lovingly raised butterflies to grace her garden. But as the disease progressed, Linda was ultimately forced to resign from her nursing career, devastating her emotionally and financially. She can no longer travel, practice photography, work in her garden, or raise butterflies. She needs supplemental oxygen 24 hours a day, is constantly fighting lung infections, and requires frequent hospital stays. 

Unbelievably, just two months after Linda was forced to resign from her job, Bill was diagnosed with a malignant tumor in his head. Linda and Bill struggled with caring for one another as they both faced life-threatening diseases.
After almost three years, including seven surgeries, many months of radiation and chemotherapy, a feeding tube, and a stem cell transplant, Bill is now in recovery.   His cancer diagnosis and subsequent treatment was an emotional and physical drain on both of them; as well as a significant depletion of financial resources.

In addition to his full time job, Bill takes on the full time responsibility of taking care of Linda, and fulfilling all of the household chores that they shared for many years, including cooking, cleaning, grocery shopping, and running errands. He provides Linda’s chest physical therapy twice a day to help her clear her lungs, and is her constant source of support throughout the many emotional and physical challenges she faces daily.

Linda firmly believes it is Bill’s love and support that has allowed her to live as long as she has, against all odds. They just celebrated their 30th wedding anniversary,  Bill has been right by Linda’s side for over half of her lifetime. We are all amazed by the courage, humor, and teamwork that Linda and Bill display every day. 

In Linda’s Own Words

“Every day, I thank God for the opportunity to live another day, and for Bill’s selfless love and support.  I can't begin to tell you how many invitations and events we’ve had to decline over the years because I wasn't feeling well, but in turn I got to spend those times in my husband's arms at home - just the two of us.  I am always perfectly happy there!  He is, and always has been, patient and understanding with my limitations; whatever they happen to be on any given day.  CF is an incessant fighter!  It's a horrible, cruel disease.  But we are stronger than CF and will never give in or give up!!

One of the things that I admire and love about Bill is the assuredness that defines him without an ounce of arrogance.  He is insightful, thoughtful, empathetic and kind.  He is soothing and reassuring.  Bill has the most innate sense of humor I have ever seen in anyone!  His perspective of everyday occurrences cracks me up! Laughter has been something in our relationship that has never changed!  We constantly laugh and giggle when we're together which helps melt away stress.  When I'm having a particularly difficult day, his presences calms me and helps me feel safe and secure.  Starving for air is horribly frightening.  When I have an episode of not being able to breathe - Bill will take my hands,  look at me in the eyes and calmly talk to me so I can do what I need to do to get through that particular episode.

Bill's diagnosis of cancer was an incredible shock and frightening.  I was terrified of the possibility of losing my best friend, the love of my life and my caretaker.  Bill never once seemed to worry about himself.  In fact, as soon as he was diagnosed, his biggest concern was what kind of impact his cancer diagnosis and treatment was going to have on my health.  Aside from the stress of it all, my daily care regime is extensive and he is an intricate  part of that care. If there was ever a time in my life I wanted to be strong, this was it!  We were determined to get through this, one day at  a time.  As I tried to properly care for myself and Bill, juggle all of our medications, medical bills and paperwork for both of our illnesses, I began to struggle physically and I knew I was getting into trouble with my health.  Unfortunately, I became weak and was unable to care for myself properly, let alone Bill.  I was too concerned about him to let him know how badly I was feeling and although with family and friend's support I did my best, I eventually became depleted and required daily oxygen.  I am now in end-stage lung disease with CF and am in need of a double lung transplant without which the doctors estimate I have an average of about 3 years left to live.   Do you believe in soulmates?  I do.  And 3 years isn't enough time for me to spend with mine!  I'll continue to fight this with everything in me...!

I am so happy that Bill is cancer free and recovering!  We are eternally grateful to all of our family, friends and caretakers who are helping us and continue to re-energize our spirit in so many ways! I am focusing on staying positive and strong, and hope to emerge from my lung transplant transformed, like a butterfly.

For me, raising butterflies is the quintessential example of the miracle of life and the possibility of transformation from a tired, hard- working little caterpillar into a strong but gentle, beautiful creature exploring their world with renewed life!

Thank you very much to anyone who would like to help us by donating to our  GoFundMe page. Words can’t express how thankful we are to all of the unexpected angels who are willing to take funds away from their own families in order to support us through this sincere and deeply felt gratitude and love to all of you!!”
Please share Linda's story with friends and family by using the links at the top of the page to social media outlets.  Text messages may be sent with a link to "Lungs for Linda Brady" by clicking the "+" button.  Thank you for your kindness in spreading the word.

Comments from Friends and Family

From Janet: My sister-in-law, Linda Brady, is one of the most genuine people I know. She is truly amazing. In the thirty years since we met, I have never seen her be anything but caring, compassionate, supportive and full of life. Linda has a wonderful sense of humor, such a ready laugh at the humorous side of life.  A life, mind you, that hasn’t always been easy or humorous.  But one would never know that; never one to complain, always concerned for others and truly devoted to her husband and partner, my youngest sibling, Bill.

Through the years, there have been many hospitalizations and serious illnesses, but I have never seen Linda hesitant or compromised until recently. She has handled the many trials of CF like a champ. To see her literally lose her breath because of the cold air, or a sharp wind and have to rest after just a few steps is heartbreaking and humbling. What we take for granted as we go about our day is a struggle she faces with every movement, every exertion, every breath.  I am in awe of her strength.

And together, Bill and Linda are exceptional. They are truly a storybook couple, falling in love at first sight when they were paired in a family wedding. They lived over a thousand miles apart but were so convinced they were right for one another, she moved to Drexel Hill for him and never looked back. Bill and Linda share many of the same interests in nature and the outdoors and generally just love being together. After many years of being a supportive caregiver, Bill found himself in need of support with a diagnosis of cancer that required the most arduous of treatments. Surgeries, radiation, chemo, steroids, stem cell transplant, feeding tubes, side effects from meds became the norm of his every day existence. And the failing of Linda’s lungs seemed to be a byproduct of this stressful time in their lives. Yet she never complained, nor did she fail at her turn in caregiving. Bill is considered healthy, has returned to a job he loves, though hasn’t fully recovered his physical stamina enough to return to running marathons. That is a hope for the future, as is Linda’s ability to accompany him once again and be his number one fan, cheerleader and photographer.  

From Mike: Bill and Linda have always been a very close, private, guarded type of couple.  All couples complain at one time or another about each other or to their close friends and family, but never these two. When Bill was going through getting his cancer taken care of with surgeries and treatment Linda took care of him much like Bill watched out for Linda with her lifelong illness with Cystic Fibrosis. I never heard Bill complain once during his whole ordeal with having his tumor removed and going through all the doctors and treatment he had to go through. Then having to go back and have it done again.

 I never heard Linda complain once about what Bill was going through either.  She pretty much soldiered on and put her head down and showed that they could get through anything whether it was Bill or Linda having the issue.

Both Bill and Linda have looked out for each other their adult lives and I believe that is the way it will continue.  I believe that is the way they are wired and obviously they have very serious health concerns but are very tough people mentally.

From Marguerite: I am astounded every time I see Linda at what she has to endure physically due to the CF and how she handles it all with grace and acceptance.  I have never once heard her say "Why me?"  I have never seen her feel sorry for herself.  Her concern has always been for Bill and those around her.  She is an amazing person!  

I have not met a couple more devoted to one another or more in love with one another than Bill and Linda. It never ceases to amaze me that after all they have been through they still find humor in almost everything they do. After many years of marriage most couples have a number of complaints about their spouse. I rarely hear them complain about one another and if they do - they laugh about it. 

Here is an example, when they told me this story they were giggling like little kids:  Linda: "We have been playing 'Trash Can Jenga'. "  Me:" What is that?"  Linda: "You know, when the garbage can gets full in the kitchen and you don't feel like taking it out so you push the trash down a little so when the next person throws something out you hope they will take it out."  Bill:  "It became a competition to see who could pile things on top of the can without anything falling over."  He then goes on to explain how he purposely piled things precariously on top of the trash so it would fall when she put the next item in. Linda said each knew what the other was doing and was laughing as they placed each item and couldn't wait until the other person went into the kitchen to see how full it was. Bill was so proud of himself because he said he won!  Most spouses would be annoyed by this behavior.  They made it fun and laughed about it!  

I am so proud of Bill. I don't know anyone who is a better advocate for someone than he is.  He is very protective of Linda and he is always on guard making sure she gets the best care possible. If anyone deserves to grow old together it is these two!

From Matt & Teri: We have known Bill and Linda for over thirty years. We have watched as their devotion and love for each other, as well as their family and friends, has strengthened and grown over those years. They have shown incredible strength while enduring numerous health crises and it is awe inspiring. They have remained positive and upbeat despite all they have been through. They are two of the most selfless, loving, kind, caring, and compassionate people we have had the pleasure to know and love. They deserve many more years together with their family and friends! Our love, support, and prayers remain with Bill (Uncle Bavo) and Linda! Love you guys! Matt, Teri, Matthew, and Colin.

From Nancy: Hi Friends, thanks so much for helping our Linda and her fight with her CF.  I am Bill's oldest sister, Nancy. I met Linda about 30 years ago when she became my roommate after having moved from Arkansas to Drexel Hill.  Her reason for the move?  She was diving in head first to pursue what felt like love at first sight with my very funny and cute baby brother Billy. He was doing the same. They were only about 21 years old and had only met at a wedding a few months before Linda made the move north. Their relationship blossomed and they got married the following year. Prior to their wedding, Linda was living at my house. I came to see the struggles that this genetic disease wreaks on your body and how scary it truly is. Billy (as I still call him) was there every step of the way. Like the rest of our family, we only knew about CF from articles and medical information. Seeing and experiencing it first hand is pretty shocking to say the least.

As time passed, Bill and Linda were determined to have as normal a life as they could. Linda, of course, was limited at times with the ability to breathe. This didn’t stop her though. She decided to go to college to become a nurse. Well, she did it and gained her degree as an RN. She loved nursing and excelled in college being one of the top students in her class as well as valedictorian. Unfortunately, as the years went on, she could no longer work because of the limited lung capacity and being exposed to contamination in the hospital environment.

Linda had and has continued to go through a multitude of tests, hospitalizations and associated physical illnesses that afflict a person living with CF. Although she struggles with these setbacks on a constant basis, most people wouldn't even know how sick she is. She is one of the sweetest and most genuine individuals you will ever meet.  Always has kind words and a true love and concern for other people (especially my brother and his goofy antics). A few years ago Billy was diagnosed with myeloma and went through his own suffering. His friends were fabulous with their help.  After going through the cancer treatments and stem cell replacement, Bill seems to have succeeded in beating off his cancer, hopefully for good. During Bill's illness, Linda was going through a downturn as well. This was a true nightmare. Why does something like this happen to two loving 50 year-olds? Of course, there's no answer.

Linda and Bill have made it through 30 years of marriage. Those young kids who fell in love at first sight have survived many hard times that even we, their family, can't begin to imagine. They have always had the ability to make each other laugh which we all know is so important in any relationship, particularly marriage. Anyone who knows Billy, knows how he loves to joke around and his quick wit. I think this "goofy" humor has helped immensely in dealing with times that are physically and mentally exhaustive. The love that Linda and Bill have for their wonderful and kind friends and family (and vice versa) has helped them along the years as well (also their cats). This love is a blessing. Let's pray the next chapter is another blessing and Linda's lung transplant turns out well. She may be joining all of you marathoners before you know it!

Thanks to everyone. Your friendship and sincere kindness mean more to all of us than can be expressed.

From Joe: I cannot recall now the first time I met Linda. All I had heard was that Billy had met a really nice girl from Arkansas at a wedding and that they hit it off in the week or so that Linda was visiting Pennsylvania. Of course, I (like many) had wondered how this relationship would sustain with most of the USA between them. But then somehow it just happened that Linda was going to spend the summer in the Philly area. Imagine that - what a coincidence, right? Well, the steady dating ensued and the rest is history. I do recall thinking just how nice Linda really was all around when I first met her - and very charming with people. That is all still the case today of course.  This was a couple that was meant to be.

From Eileen: Some thoughts on Linda - She has been fighting this disease her entire life. She has always done whatever is necessary to stay strong and healthy. In spite of her own health issues, she took time to help me when I was going through chemo in 2015. She accompanied me to two of my treatments and provided info regarding medications the doctors had prescribed (this was at a time when Bill had been diagnosed with cancer also). Bill and Linda are truly two peas in a pod. I don't know another couple who enjoy each other’s company as much as they do.

From Debbie B: Linda has such a big beautiful heart and smile.  She's caring, kind, compassionate and loving.  Just ask Bill, her husband.  The love they share is inspirational.  They are truly "there for each other".  Not long ago, Bill was seriously ill and Linda did everything possible to care for him during his long and difficult recovery.  She is always trying to help others.  Now she needs our help-- emotionally, spiritually and financially.  Please share you love and blessings withe Linda and Bill.

From Sue V: My step-daughter, Linda, is a shining light in my life and such an inspiration to me.  I've never known anyone who is more cheerful and optimistic; she never complains about her daily struggles, or anything for that matter!  Linda always has a smile on her face and she is so happy to have the love of her life beside her.  I remember the day she and Bill met.  As we sat and enjoyed the wedding of Linda's cousin and Bill's best friend, we saw the sparkle in their eyes when they were paired as bridesmaid and groomsman.  They looked so cute together and it was obvious that something very special was happening.  It was so much fun to watch them (sorry bride and groom, you WERE NOT the star attraction for us that beautiful day).

Following the wedding, Linda did not feel well enough to join the bridal party when they all got together, but she did join the family the following morning for a family brunch.  Bill made sure he was there too, and they found a little corner nook to sit and talk all morning.  When Linda left for the airport after the brunch, she was so sick that she had to utilize the oxygen in the airplane for her return flight, and then went directly to the hospital upon her arrival.  Bill called Linda everyday-- he sent flowers, cards, silly stuff and just pursued her, Big Time!  I am sure having Bill in her life during that hospital visit helped her get back on her feet!  In no time, Linda moved to PA and the rest is history!  And what a love story it's been!

In the early days, Linda had many more good days than bad days; now, she hardly ever has any good days.  For someone who loves to be active and full of life, it breaks my heart to see her unable to keep up.  We are all very excited that Linda has the opportunity to get new lungs, and we hope and pray that Linda and Bill will receive all the help and prayers needed to carry them through this most difficult and demanding time.

It warms my heart to see Bill and Linda together, in sickness and in health (as Linda did for Bill when he faced his cancer surgeries, treatments, and stem cell transplant).  I'm not sure how many people could go through what these two have had to deal with in their many years together.  I love these two as if they were my own and feel so fortunate to have them in my life.  They are truly the cutest and most wonderful couple I know.

Hang in there Linda and Bill; this is going to be a good year!  We are all looking forward to the day that your name come up on the transplant list.  We are here for you and love you both with all our hearts.  Love, Sue, Pete, Vicky and Heather.  xoxo


  • Stacey Sturner
    • $40
    • 5 yrs
  • Kevin and Jeanne Hunt
    • $50
    • 5 yrs
  • Marion Glazier
    • $100
    • 6 yrs
  • Terri Crouse
    • $75
    • 6 yrs
  • John Mathis
    • $100
    • 6 yrs

Fundraising team (6)

Michael Tecce
Downingtown, PA
Bill Brady
Stephanie Lukens
Team member
Wanda McCue
Team member
Judy Coker
Team member
Barbara Lombardo
Team member

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