Help The Heart of Gaming
We live in very sad times. Last night the Heart of Gaming was broken into and burgled.
The Good news.
Noone was around and noone was hurt, which is the main thing. The arcade machines were thankfully not vandalised, as this is the element of the HoG that would literally have been irreplacable.
The Bad news.
A number of TV's and all out next generation gaming equipment were stolen. The consoles, the games, the peripherals. Everything, currently estimated at just over £5000.
The police are naturally investigating and hopefully insurance may cover it, but its all very uncertain and the process is a long one. We struggled to put the money aside to move to the next generation of consoles, and just like that, its all been taken away. Whilst there would never be a good time for this to happen, its all the worse because we are now in the educational holiday period. Im dealing with forensics as I type this, and also trying to come up with a way to help us bounce back from this, but im totally at a loss. Im struggling to find the motivation and the team of staff are just in bits. People, besides myself, Joff and April give their lives to help out here because they believe in what it is we do. Noone can comprehend why anyone would do this.
Now, I've always been loathed to ask for anything. I started the HoG with the belief that it must be able to sustain itself, which thusfar it has, but right now there is little choice. People have been donating since we opened, and long since accepted that people care enough to want to be a part of this and help to nurture and encourage its growth. The HoG is a true example of community spirit, so whilst noone is obliged to do everything, if you do feel that you would like to donate any sum at all to help us recoverfrom this loss.
- Donators can sign on the Iwata tribute wall with a donation. -
Again, I'm sorry to ask, and on behalf of myself and the hog team, thank you for all the support that the community continue to give us.
The show must and will go on.
The HoG Team