Australian Safe Space Legal Fund
Event organisers within the Australian swing, jazz, and blues dance communities are investing time and money into making our dance spaces safer.
This includes consulting lawyers to be sure their work is legally responsible, and their workers are protected from legal action. All legal work that organisers are currently paying for, is coming out of their own pocket.
And it's adding up.
This campaign is to raise money for the legal costs involved in preventing, responding to, and dealing with the repercussions of sexual assault and harassment.
This can included legal costs associated with:
- drafting letters and other documents that are legally sound;
- responding to defamation and other legal threats;
- drafting, lodging, and pursuing legal documents;
- working with the police to be sure our processes are safe and legal; and
- defending organisers in the legal system.
If you've wanted to support the work of people like Sam Carroll in Sydney, but weren't sure how, donating a few dollars would be very helpful. And very much appreciated.
All these funds will go directly to paying legal bills, helping people like Sam do their work responsibly and safely.
If you can, please share this campaign, with your friends and dance community.
Thank you in advance for your support!
[Thanks to Wax Wings photography for the banner photo of dancers.]