Charlottes Fundraiser For Africa Foundation
My name is Charlotte Lyon and I am a freshman in high school. My family and I have been involved with Africa Foundation for a number of years now. This year I wanted to do something that I could take ownership of, especially since Africa has a special place in my heart due to my mom's side of the family living there.
Before you contribute you might want to have some information about where your money is going. Well, there is a serious lack of capacity for schools to accommodate students in Zanzibar. Therefore, improving the state of existing schools in Zanzibar is a top priority for Africa Foundation. Mfurumatonga School, located in the rural fishing community of Mfurumatonga, has a total of 819 students, with 15 teachers and 17 classrooms. These classrooms are dilapidated, water damaged and leaking, causing huge problems during rainy seasons and bad weather. Lessons often need to be postponed and cancelled due to these uninhabitable classrooms, and this has a significant negative impact on the students and their education. As Zanzibar has a rainy season of about 9 and a half months, it is critical to address this issue. Massive refurbishments and repairs are essential to improve the quality and reliability of education access in this school.
Africa Foundation USA's mission is empowering communities and enabling conservation through the program areas of Education, Health Care and Clean Water, Income Generating Activities and Wildlife Conservation and Environment Programs in East and Southern Africa. For 25 years, Africa Foundation, together with committed communities and generous donors, has facilitated the socioeconomic development of rural communities in Africa, and in so doing, improved the lives and livelihoods of those most in need.
For more information go to the website: https://africafoundation.org/?region=NA&redirect=%2Fabout%2Four-needs%2Fmfurumatonga-school%2F

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