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An End to Ignorance

An End to Ignorance, Inc. feeds vulnerable people across Baltimore City, by rescuing good food that would ordinarily be thrown awa...Learn more

About An End to Ignorance

An End to Ignorance, Inc. feeds vulnerable people across Baltimore City, by rescuing good food that would ordinarily be thrown away, and then supplementing it with fresh meat and non-perishable goods. This work brings our most vulnerable city residents into the light. They have been isolated and marginalized for far too long. It is the aim of Bmore Community Food to end the suffering caused by food insecurity. No one should be hungry in our city, especially when we are throwing away 30-40 of the food that is harvested our America. Through Circles of Voices, An End to Ignorance addresses the impact of racism other isms and phobias. It is our intent to ease unneccesary pain, and bring people into the light around unsubstantiated prejudice.

401 E Lafayette AveBaltimore, MD 21202


Food aid



Tax ID


An End to Ignorance is a 501(c)(3) public charity, EIN 81-4922824. Donations are tax-deductible. Select content is provided by GuideStar.

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