JC Faulk and a devoted team of volunteers built
Bmore Community Food (BCF) into one of the largest distributors of
rescued food in Baltimore. Already a food desert with deep existing hunger, Baltimore residents were hit hard by the pandemic. BCF creatively sourced and now collects fresh, healthy food from the local
Amazon warehouse, Gotham Greens, First Fruit Farms, Motzi Bread, McCormick and others, much of which would otherwise be tossed out. We are so grateful for their support and partnership.
The BCF team built an amazing infrastructure from scratch to collect and distribute food, including a warehouse, fridge, refrigerated delivery truck and distribution system.
With the addition of a food truck – a little restaurant on wheels – BCF will reach even more people, delivering hot, freshly-cooked meals to neighborhoods all across Baltimore. You can eat for free or pay what you can to support the mission of feeding Baltimore. The menu? Exquisite, creative and delicious!
We aim to raise $35,000 to buy a reliable, pre-owned food truck with the Bmore Community Food logo featured proudly to show Baltimore residents that we have their backs (and their stomachs) with more good food coming to feed anyone in need.
There will be minor expenses for t-shirts, decals, envelopes, postage and other items in order to fulfill the promised donor rewards (see below).
All donations are tax-deductible to this 501 (c)(3) organization.
DONOR REWARD LEVELSLess than $50 – Gets you a Bmore Community Food decal.
$50+ – Gets you a personally signed-with-gratitude laminated photo of JC Faulk and team.
$100+ – Gets you a colorful Bmore Community Food t-shirt.
$500+ – Gets you an amazing FaceTime virtual tour of the Bmore Community Food facility with JC Faulk.
“We have so many people who need food right now. We are blessed that you come and help us. We appreciate you.”
-- Rev. Annie Chambers, Recipient and community leader
"I volunteer because I'm scared, upset and angry. And when I help, I'm happy, too."
-- Joanna Plasencia, Volunteer
“What I do is driven by the same fuel: ENDING RACISM. Bmore Community Food addresses one of the pillars of oppression that brings suffering to Black people: persistent hunger.”
-- BCF founder JC Faulk (with volunteer Melvin Penn working on warehouse food-box assembly equipment)
WE GIVE TONS OF GOOD FOOD TO THE PEOPLE! With the addition of a food truck, our little restaurant on wheels will reach even more people, delivering hot, freshly-cooked meals to neighborhoods all across Baltimore. BCF already distributes food from its Baltimore warehouse, as well as multiple sites around the city to reach as many hungry people as possible. We also do door-to-door delivery for hundreds of residents every week, at no cost to them for food or delivery.
BCF is feeding 1,000s of Baltimoreans every week, filling their cupboards with high-quality dried goods, fresh produce, meat and dairy. That translates into an astounding amount of food shared every week to help end hunger in Baltimore. BCF distributed 399,000 pounds of food to vulnerable Baltimore residents between September and December of 2020.
EMPOWERING COMMUNITY & SEEKING RACIAL JUSTICEOur mission at Bmore Community Food is three-fold:
· Feeding hungry Baltimore residents
· Building and empowering community
· Defeating racism and inequality
OUR TEAM Executive Director JC Faulk works with a small staff supported by close to 200 volunteers from across Baltimore who are the heart and backbone of our operation. When called to help, they step up and serve our beloved city.
ALTERNATE PAYMENT METHOD You can also mail in a donation with checks payable to:
An End to Ignorance, Inc.
ATTN: Bmore Truck
300 West 24th Street
Baltimore, Maryland 21211
Donations are tax-deductible to this 501 (c)(3) organization.
THANKS TO OUR MANY DONORS (small and large)
Donors fueled Bmore Community Food’s rise from zero to present capacity in less than a year with small donations from individuals and large gifts from foundations, including the
Abbel Foundation, Lerner Family Foundation, France Merrick Foundation,
Annenberg Foundation and
Pearlstone Foundation. Every dollar matters. Thank you!
CONTACT INFO Bmore Community Food warehouse address:
300 W 24th Street,
Baltimore MD 21211
PHONE: (844) [phone redacted]
NEED FOOD? Call 1-844-529-3077 and follow the prompts.· WEBSITE:
https://www.anendtoignorance.com/home · FACEBOOK:
https://www.facebook.com/food4bmore · INSTAGRAM:
https://www.instagram.com/food4bmore GO FUND ME ORGANIZERS Michelle Belfie is a social entrepreneur and founder of
movingStories. She is forever inspired by the power and beauty of Baltimore and her people.
JC Faulk is a beloved Baltimore activist and corporate diversity trainer. He is the founder of Bmore Community Food, Circles of Voices and An End to Ignorance. JC is unafraid to call out racism and gifted with the ability to call in everyone who wants to roll up their sleeves and work to dismantle systemic racism. The following video captures some of JC’s work (pre-coronavirus).