Rebecca Cornell du Houx is fundraising

Help pave the road to provide housing to women veterans
Start the New Year 2025 with a tax deductible donation to support women veterans in emergency housing.

In 2025, Sisters in Arms Center has committed to purchasing a van to provide transportation to vital services for the women veterans staying in emergency housing. We need your support to fulfill our commitment.
Who we are:
The Sisters in Arms Center (DBA) is a grassroots 501(c)3 nonprofit that provides emergency housing and services for veterans and their families. Each veteran’s story is unique. Many have had a history of unimaginable trauma. The circumstances that lead to their homelessness range from fleeing unsafe situations to major sudden crisis happening that derail their lives.
Meet Danielle:
This was the case for Danielle, an OIF Army veteran, and her family, which included a very large but sweet pup. Daniel was enlisted in the Army from 1999 to 2005 and deployed overseas twice in Iraq (she received the Global War on Terriorism medal) and Africa as an 88M truck driver.
Prior to joining the Sisters in Arms Center (SiAC), Danielle received an urgent call to be a caregiver to her grandfather after a medical emergency. She found it increasingly difficult to care for her father and remain financially stable, eventually causing her to be without housing.
Danielle was quick to apply for jobs in Maine and started working while temporarily staying in a hotel where she was able to walk to work. When she came to the Sisters in Arms Center, it became difficult to continue walking to her place of employment because of the distance. The Sisters in Arms Center reached out to volunteers and a local fellow female veteran volunteered to drive Danielle to work when possible. Unfortunately, with a full time schedule, it wasn’t feasible to find transportation for Danielle each day, putting her at risk of losing her job.
Danielle is not alone…
Transportation has been a major challenge for the veterans and their children staying at the emergency housing center. SiAC has a couple of bicycles for the veterans to use; however, during the winter, biking becomes unsafe with freezing temperatures. Further, many of the veterans also have physical mobility difficulties.

Whether it is medical or mental health appointments, apartment viewings, landlord meetings, childcare support, and/or employment interviews - the lack of transportation is a major barrier for the veterans to achieve housing stability. We would like to both be able to help provide immediate and long term solutions to Maine’s unhoused women veterans.
The first 3k donated will directly pay for transportation for Danielle.
Any remainder of the donations will go towards purchasing a vehicle for the veterans to use, supporting the veterans with transportation while at the Sisters in Arms Center. This will pave the road for women veterans - and their families- towards greater independence and finding a home permanently.
Every amount counts- even if you think it’s not much- it is.
UPDATE: The Maine Masonic Charitable Foundation graciously donated enough for Danielle to obtain long term transportation. They will also match the first 5k in donations for a vehicle for the SiA Center. - Please help us reach our next milestone of 8k for a match totaling 13k!!
Thank you for helping Danielle and other women veterans, with their children, access community resources, go to work or school, and find stable housing.
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17 supporters