Urgent plea of kindness for our beautiful girl Jamilla, who has seen the worst side of humanity and is still choosing to try to rebuild trusting relationships with her people. We are fostering Jamilla with Common Ground Community Rescue Network, who kindly took Jamilla into their care from Egypt last year. ❤️
Jamilla’s eyes were removed while she was in Egypt due to the horrible abuse she suffered there. Common Ground was able to bring her to the US after her suffering in Egypt about a year ago. Since arriving to our house for foster care, we’ve noticed a lot of draining and irritation, so she saw the vet yesterday.
Both of her eye sockets, her ears, sinuses, and bladder were infected, all due to the infections in her eyes spreading. Her eyes clearly weren’t removed properly, globes were left in her eye sockets, and there’s scar tissue built over what is remaining. In order to prevent infection and keep Jamilla infection free for her lifetime, her eye sockets will need to be reconstructed and then stitched closed. The vet emphasized that getting this surgery as soon as possible is necessary to keep her healthy. She is sure to be in an immense amount of pain, and this sweet girl has suffered far too much already.
Jamilla came to us for foster care as a socialization case, and while we do see signs of her insecurity and trust issues, we believe many of the aggressive signs seen from her previously are likely due to pain, as since the antibiotic injections done to clear up some of the infection, we’ve been able to pet her, she’s been all over us for sniffs, eating out of our hands, and she was even pet at the vet. All things that haven’t been seen from her in the year she’s been in the US. Since arriving, she has been incredibly defensive of her body and has wanted no contact or relationship with people.
There’s a sweet girl in there and we need to give her medical attention as soon as possible to help her progress further. Please donate on behalf of Jamilla, the sooner we raise the funds, the sooner we can give our girl this life-changing gift of eye revision surgery. The vets will clear out anything remaining in the socket and suture her eye sockets closed, so she never has to deal with infection again. ❤️
Want to join me in making a difference? I'm raising money to benefit Common Ground Community Rescue Network, and any donation will help make an impact. Thanks in advance for your contribution to this cause that means so much to me.
More information about Common Ground Community Rescue Network: Common Ground Community Rescue Network is a 501(c)3 public charity organization that provides aid to critical areas with limited social services or community programs. A 100% volunteer-focused team that puts boots on the ground in neighborhoods delivering resources to those seeking aid from human to animals. Offering support where support is needed most by networking, partnering, collecting, and in essence, distributing hope.