Friends Of Communities In Schools is fundraising
Coats for Ortiz Middle School Students!
Communities In Schools of New Mexico works inside public schools in Santa Fe - they do great work serving 6,000 students (half the students in Santa Fe) with resources and supports so they can achieve in school.
Luis Burrola, the Communities In Schools Site Coordinator at Ortiz Middle School has identified 103 students that will need warm coats this winter. Unfortunately, there is not a program providing coats for this age group in Santa Fe. Many students outgrew their coats last year during COVID when they were at home. The kids that have been counted for this drive are from families that can't afford to purchase a coat.
Every dollar counts - and a $30 donation can buy one winter coat.
Please help us keep these students warm this winter!
Ortiz Middle School is the only 6-8th grade middle school in Santa Fe with approximately 500 students. 41% are English Learners, 12% of the students are experiencing homelessness.
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18 supporters