Courtney Lewis is fundraising

Two Days For Kemiah To Get Back To College!!!
100% of the funds raised will go straight to Kemiah's tuition.
Hello, my name is Kemiah and I'm asking for some help. The need is $5,400 by January 7 for tuition. I've asked my pastor, Courtney Lewis to help organize this effort. Here's my story:
I am a 22-year-old student at Baptist College of Ministry in Menomonee Falls, WI. My family and I started attending a Bible-believing church when I was about 8 years old. My parents got saved pretty quickly after attending Cornerstone Baptist Church in Chicago. My family began to grow rapidly in the Lord. However, I did not exactly have the same outlook on life resulting in a change of lifestyle because I had not received the Lord. After being transferred to a private, Christian school, I wanted the life my family had but I could not understand the deep love of God for me, causing me to reject Him. After much praying and pleading from my parents and pastor, I trusted in the Lord as my Savior, fully believing that He died on the cross for me, to take away my sins. What a glorious decision that was for me! After graduating high school in 2020 I attended a year of Bible college, after which I took a gap year. To be truthful, I wasn’t entirely sure if I wanted to go back to Bible college. I thought I would pursue a degree in nursing. Little did I know at the time the Lord had other plans! I attended a Victory Conference in March of 2022. The conference was unlike anything I had ever attended! The people had the love of God shining off of them, and I loved it! After talking to a few people I found out Falls Baptist Church had a Bible college and many of the students there told me I should consider coming. I had other plans for my life and just laughed it off. Coming home after the conference it was as though everyone lived and breathed Falls and thought that it was the best thing for me. After much thought, prayer and communication with my parents, I told them I would only go if the Lord made it abundantly clear that He wanted me to go. My faith being the size of a mustard seed, I proceeded to say that the Lord will have to literally “write it on the wall” for me. Well to my amazement, I pulled up to the church and there on the wall of my church was a banner reading “BCM more than just a college…. a cause”. My mom and dad just died laughing! Following the Lord’s leading, I enrolled at BCM this past September as a freshman with little preparation or finances. I just knew that I would much rather be dead smack in the center of God’s will than be out of it and end up in the belly of a whale like Jonah.
Kemiah McWright
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20 supporters