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Develop Africa

Develop Africa strategically empowers lives in Africa by providing educational opportunities and strengthening self-reliance so th...Learn more

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About Develop Africa

Develop Africa strategically empowers lives in Africa by providing educational opportunities and strengthening self-reliance so that individuals, families, and communities can create positive change in their own lives. We provide school supplies, scholarships, solar lights (so kids can study at night), mosquito nets (to keep children safe from malaria), computer/vocational training, etc. We additionally provide microfinance loans, orphan care, and disaster relief. This helps them become self-sufficient and rise above the poverty line. When individuals and families are strengthened, they can contribute towards community, national, and international progress.

1906 Knob Creek RoadJohnson City, TN 37604


Job training, International development, Education, Climate change, Human services



Verified on GoFundMe


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International Economic Development

Develop Africa is a 501(c)(3) public charity, EIN 20-3836551. Donations are tax-deductible. Select content is provided by GuideStar.

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