We are raising money at the end of 2024 to benefit the Geologic Maps Foundation, Inc. (GMF). A donation will help make an impact. End of 2024 donations will support our operational costs at the end of 2024 and going forward in 2025.
We've recently uploaded .pdf files of +250 geologic maps (mostly 7.5' quads, 1:24,000 scale) from southern California to the Geologic Maps Foundation, Inc. web page. The original field mapping was done by Thomas W. Dibblee Jr. from the late 1930s to early 2000. Thomas L. Davis Geologist and staff digitized the original mapping in various GIS software over the last decade, and recently donated the .pdf copies to the Foundation. The .pdf maps are available for free at the Geologic Maps Foundation web page, https://geologicmapsfoundation.org/geologic-maps/
We have no employees (it's an all-volunteer effort)* and all donations support running the Geo-hikes educational events (https://www.meetup.com/Geo-hikes/), our outdoors & geologic educational efforts (map and compass courses, basic geologic field methods, field trips, and our K-12 map literacy project), our preservation efforts of difficult-to-find, unpublished, and out-of-print geologic maps to our web page for all to access, and informing the public and policy-makers about energy issues and the important role of geology in energy through scientific publications and articles. GMF is an IRS designated 501 3c nonprofit and registered with the California State AG's office, https://oag.ca.gov/charities
Check out the Meetup link to see all the great Geo-hikes we've run so far 2024 and in earlier years (click on the events tab and choose past or upcoming):
Sampling of other Geologic Maps Foundation efforts in 2024:
Here's a link to a recent presentation given to the Conejo Open Space Foundation on the geology along select trails in the western Santa Monica Mountains and nearby;
Sri Lanka’s underappreciated geologic asset: developing its natural gas resource. Presentation given to the Coast Geologic Society
December 17, 2024, 6:00pm
In July 2024, Thomas L. Davis, CEO at GMF wrote an article bringing together Sri Lanka's energy need, economic issues, and its natural gas resources:
Sampling of other Geologic Maps Foundation efforts:
Some short videos of our Geo-hikes and field geology educational efforts:
In 2022 we’ve added a substack.com newsletter describing some of our Geo-hikes with short videos and occasional articles on energy issues. The newsletter is free and can be reached here: https://tdavisgeo.substack.com/
*We occasionally hire GIS (Geographical Information Systems) experts and other map making consultants on a temporary basis to help us with our map preservation efforts.