Hi, my name is Eevee. I’m a 6 month old southern belle from Louisiana. I don’t remember much about my original family, because when I was born, I felt sick all the time. I didn’t want to eat much, and my brothers and sisters would shove me out of the way, so I got weaker and weaker. I guess my mom didn’t like me much, because she didn’t do a thing to help me. There were some humans who would bring food, but they didn’t help me either. One day, the man owner picked me up and took me away from the other puppies. I was so happy, because I thought he was going to take me to the vet to see why I didn’t feel so good. But he didn’t. He put me in the car and we drove away and the next thing I knew, I was in a giant box filled with garbage. Garbage! I heard the man’s car driving away and I was so scared. Even though my mom and siblings weren’t nice to me, this was worse! I was cold and shivering and I didn’t even have a blanket! I tried to climb out and see if I could find my way back home, but I kept slipping on the trash. It smelled so bad in there! I started to cry and I guess I was crying really loudly, because suddenly I heard some voices getting closer. I didn’t know if I should be quiet, or cry louder. Were the voices coming to help me? Or hurt me? I decided to be brave and yelled as loud as I could for a 6 week old puppy. It worked! Some really nice kids found me! I could see they were confused and shocked to find a puppy in a dumpster, mixed in with last night’s rotting dinner, but they reached in and pulled me out. One little boy tucked me under his shirt to warm me up. I know I didn’t smell so good and I felt bad that they had to see me like this. They ran home with me and their really nice mom took me to something called a shelter. I heard the nice people who worked there whispering about me and one girl seemed so sad. She was telling the others that they really wouldn’t be able to take care of me because I was so sick and they would have to put me to sleep. WHAT?? I was only 6 weeks old and had never gotten to do any of the things that other dogs and puppies get to do. I never even had a family of my own! I guess I was just going to die without ever being loved. I stopped crying and just got ready to die.
But, the girls started making phone calls and a wonderful thing happened! One of them said they found a rescue up in New York that would take me and help me get better!! I wasn’t going to die!! I didn’t know what a rescue was, but they wanted ME!
I made the trip to NY became part of the Heavenly Angels family. They took good care of me and brought me to a vet. I stayed in a home with nice people who kept me warm and tried to make me a chunky puppy.
But, I still didn’t feel good most of the time. I started drooling all the time! It was so embarrassing! And my head hurt. A lot. It would help if I pressed it hard against a wall. My Aunt Lori from Heavenly Angels knew this wasn’t a good thing, so she took me to a special doctor who poked and prodded me. I was a really good girl and let him do whatever he needed to do, because I was tired of not feeling so good. It turns out I have something called a liver shunt. I’m not sure what that means, but I like liver, so I don’t know why it would be hurting me.
So on Tuesday, I’ll be going to Dr. Infernuso out on Long Island to get my liver fixed. I feel really bad, because it’s going to cost a lot of money. A LOT. Like $5,000. Heavenly Angels has taken such good care of me, but they’re a very small rescue and I know they’re very worried about paying for it. It means so much that they want to help me, even though they can’t afford it.
I know it’s a lot to ask, but we could sure use some donations to help pay for this. I don’t even expect anyone to help because if my own family didn’t want me and threw me away, why would complete strangers help me?
I had a really bad life so far, but hopefully after this, I’ll be able to run and play and not feel sick anymore.

Want to join me in making a difference? I'm raising money to benefit Heavenly Angels Animal Rescue Inc, and any donation will help make an impact. Thanks in advance for your contribution to this cause that means so much to me.
More information about Heavenly Angels Animal Rescue Inc: As a foster-based rescue, Heavenly Angels is a registered 501(c)(3) not-for-profit. The dogs we take in are evaluated, socialized and receive training in their foster homes. Please consider fostering; it is a wonderful way to save a life and help these animals find a forever home. Any questions on adopting or fostering please email us. All our dogs go to their adoptive homes spayed/neutered, vaccinated and microchipped.