The Karmapa Center 16 Stupa Project
His Holiness the 16th Gyalwang Karmapa, Rangjung Rigpe Dorje, attained parinirvana in Zion, Illinois, USA. The life example of HH the 16th Karmapa was one of immense loving kindness and compassion. The vision for the construction of the stupa is to build a container to hold the precious nectar of dharma in this sacred place to radiate out a sense of joy, love and awakening in all directions. The stupa and retreat center of KC16 offers the opportunity for beings to make a powerful connection with the life example of HH the 16th Karmapa.

A stupa stands as a physical symbol for the enlightened body, speech, and most essentially the mind, of the guru. Stupas are built for the protection and preservation of nature, warding off natural disasters, as well as a place for current and future practitioners to gain merit. If one practices at this stupa, following one’s teacher’s advice, relative obstacles are removed and ultimately one can achieve enlightenment.
His Holiness the 16th Karmapa’s Early Years, Education and Teaching

The 16th Karmapa was born in Derge province of Eastern Tibet in 1924 to a noble family and recognized in accordance with a prediction letter. The young incarnate was offered the Karmapa’s ceremonial robes and Black Hat being enthroned at seven years of age at the Tsurphu monastery, the traditional seat of the Karmapas. At twenty-three the Karmapa received his final ordination, along with the initiations and explanations of the highest Karma Kagyu teachings. As well as many transmissions from the Sakya, Nyingma and Gelug schools.
Throughout His entire exemplary life, including the expertly planned 1959 exile preserving whatever possible of the sacred heritage of the Karmapas, His Holiness was instrumental in the continued study and traditions of the Karmapa lineage practiced over the centuries at seats and meditation retreats in Tibet. Under the guidance of the Karmapa, many monasteries and hundreds of dharma centers have been established spanning the entire globe and thousands of dedicated and enthusiastic students have been trained in the study and meditation practices of the Buddhadharma.

His Holiness the 16th Karmapa in the West
Starting in 1974 through the remainder of his life, the Karmapa set out on world tours visiting the United States, Canada, Europe, and Southeast Asia. He performed the Black Crown ceremony in the Western hemisphere many times, gave empowerments, interviews, audiences and provided Dharma advice. He visited religious centers on four continents, met heads of state, religious leaders, elders of many traditions, and people from the world of the arts. During this time, the Karmapa also engaged in an extensive preservation and publication process to conserve endangered Buddhist scriptures.
Help bring His Holiness the 16th Karmapa’s Parinirvana Stupa to the world
Through the dedicated efforts of everyone involved in our initial Phase I fundraising effort, $985,000 was raised to accomplish the purchase of a beautiful ten acre property in Wadsworth, Illinois adjacent to Zion, IL. The project is well under way.
With the existing structures, preliminary engineering and architectural planning the property has already grown transformatively into a precious site to practice, study, and internalize the lasting history and teachings of the Karmapas. The former caretakers house on the property's living room is now a beautiful shrine room where the lamas conduct Tara puja every morning and Mahakala puja every afternoon.
We are thrilled to be launching Phase II of this project and are inviting everyone to donate whatever you are able to make a connection with His Holiness the 16th Karmapa and his profound wisdom and compassion. For this crowdfunding campaign we aim to raise $1,000,000 of a $10,000,000 total to begin the building of the stupa. To put it into perspective, $350 helps one square foot of the stupa building to come into existence.
我們很高興能著手進行第二階段的募款計畫,並邀請大家盡一份心力來做護持,共同與十六世法王噶瑪巴的甚深智慧和無盡悲心串起殊勝的因緣! 這次的群眾募資活動,我們的總目標是$10,000,000美元。現階段盼能募得$1,000,000美元,來開始啟動佛塔的興建。綜上所述,$350美元即能幫助我們建造一平方英尺的佛塔工程。

Please help to bring this stupa to fruition, inch by inch.

Other ways you can help
• Share the Phase II campaign with your friends! You can send the campaign video, by copying this link: Karmapa Center 16 Stupa Project
• Visit the Karmapa Center 16 website: http://karmapacenter16.org
• ‘Favorite’ this page to receive crowdfunding updates (click the ‘person with heart’ icon under the first photo at the top of the page)
• Follow us on Facebook , LinkedIn and Twitter
• Sign up to receive email updates (available in English and Chinese)
• 與您的朋友分享第二階段的募款活動! 您可以轉貼以下連結來發送活動影片: 十六世大寶法王噶瑪巴紀念中心佛塔計畫
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• 將此頁面加入書籤,掌握群眾募資的最新動態 (請點擊網頁上方第一張照片底下的“人物愛心”圖標)
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Support His Holiness the 16th Karmapa and Take action in your community

Accompanying this crowdfunding effort is a campaign to crowdsource one million positive actions, such as: acts of kindness and environmental action. Each positive action will be shared as part of the Karmapa Center 16 social media campaign, galvanizing positive action while showing our collective impact.
伴隨這次的群眾募資,還有一個目標在於募集一百萬個善業 (例如:善行和環保) 的推廣活動。每一個善業都會在十六世法王紀念中心的社群媒體活動上進行分享,藉由透過集體影響來激勵和帶動善業的傳播。
To participate share a photo or video of your action on social media with the hashtag #GoKind. Stay tuned for an activity-tracking chatbot and impact map in the coming weeks to scale this effort!

Thank you for your donation and participation in this special endeavor! Karmapa Khyenno!
誠摯感謝您的捐款與熱心參與! 噶瑪巴千諾!
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