NY Japanese-American Lions Club is fundraising

Japan, Noto Earthquake Relief Fund 2024
On behalf of the New York Japanese American Lions Club ,
I would like to thank each and every one of you who contributed to the Noto Peninsula Earthquake Relief Fund. Your generosity and support has exceeded our expectations, and thanks to you, we have reached our goal, which will expire at the end of March,
The Noto Peninsula Earthquake Relief Fundraising page is now closed.
Thank you very much for your cooperation.
ニューヨーク日系ライオンズクラブを代表し、能登半島地震被災者救済募金にご協力いただいた皆様お一人お一人に心よりお礼を申し上げます。 皆様のご厚意とご支援は、私たちの期待を上回るものであり、皆様のおかげで目標を達成することができました。3月末日をもって、能登半島地震救済者募金のページを終了致します。
<Japanese will follow>
1. How NY Japanese-American Lions Club Charities, Inc.’s is related to the person(s) you are raising funds for
The NY Japanese-American Lions Club Charities, Inc.’s is an organization primarily run by Japanese residents and Japanese Americans living in New York. In response to the recent earthquake in the Hokuriku region, the Japanese community in New York has initiated a GoFundMe campaign to raise funds for fellow compatriots who are affected by the disaster.
2. NY Japanese-American Lions Club Charities, Inc.’s transfer plan to get the funds from your GoFundMe to the intended recipient(s)
The funds will be deposited into the bank account of the NY Japanese-American Lions Club Charities, Inc.’s, and subsequently, they will be transferred via wire transfer to the sister organization in Japan, Lions Club International District 334-D, Hokuriku Region Cabinet.
3. How the funds will be spent
Raised fund shall be used to purchase food, linens, sheets, toiletries, necessities and so forth to support people affected by the disaster.
On January 1, 2024, a magnitude 7.6 earthquake occurred off the coast of the Noto Peninsula.
The Noto region suffered severe damage. As of February 8, more than 240 people have died, more than 40,000 homes have been damaged, and 37,500 homes are still without water supply, and more than 13,000 people are taking shelter in evacuation centers. It is expected that it will take until around April to resolve the water outage.
Roads have been cut off throughout the disaster areas, and the acceptance of volunteers has only begun this month. It is expected that it will still take time for lifelines to be restored.
The New York Japanese-American Lions Club has established the Japan, Noto Earthquake Relief Fund. This fund is the source of necessary supplies in disaster areas.
Funds will be wired to Lions Club organizations in the affected areas and will be used to provide food, linens, toiletries, daily necessities, medical supplies, and counseling costs to people living in evacuation centers.
In any disaster Lions Clubs and members all over the world come together to help in whatever way they can. The Lions Clubs worldwide made up the largest service organization in the world and our motto is “WE SERVE”.
We appreciate your cooperation.
NY日系ライオンズクラブでは被災地支援の義援金ファンド能登半島地震救済基金 (Japan,Noto Earthquake Relief Fund) を立ち上げました。被災地での必要な物資の原資となるファンドです。
いかなる災害が起こっても、世界中のライオンズクラブと会員が力を合わせてできる限りの支援をします。世界中のライオンズクラブは世界最大の奉仕組織を設立しており、私たちのモットーは「WE SERVE」です。
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109 supporters