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Newport Aquatic Center logoVerified

Newport Aquatic Center

The Newport Aquatic Center is a non-profit, public benefit corporation for the development and furtherance of the Olympic water sp...Learn more

Newport Aquatic Center logo

About Newport Aquatic Center

The Newport Aquatic Center is a non-profit, public benefit corporation for the development and furtherance of the Olympic water sports of rowing, canoeing, and kayaking. To support this mission, the NAC provides equipment, indoor storage space, instruction and other facilities for human-powered water sports on Newport Harbor for all ages and abilities, with a primary emphasis on youth programs.

1 Whitecliffs DrNewport beach, CA 92660


Community recreation, Swimming



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Community Recreational Centers

Newport Aquatic Center is a 501(c)(3) public charity, EIN 95-3699894. Donations are tax-deductible. Selected content is provided by GuideStar.

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