AbbaaMalkaa Sadii is fundraising

Help Oromia National Media to reach it's goal
Oromia National Media (ONM) has been the voice of the oppressed people of Oromia and neighboring states for the past two years.
ONM has been broadcasting its programs on Radio, YouTube and Facebook. However, when anti-peace and anti-democratic forces are deploying their forces against Oromo more than ever, it is very crucial for this media to continue playing a significant role in exposing the gross human right violation committed by dictatorships against our peaceful people. To achieve this goal, ONM requests you do your part in making it available through satellite networks in Oromia and around the world. Oromo abroad and inside the country are asked to stand by your voice and support us financially.
Miidiyaan Arrata Biyyooleessa Oromiyaa (Oromiyaa National Media) waggoota lamaan darbaniif uummattoota cunqurfamoo Oromiyaa fi naannollee ollaa keessa jiraataniif sagalee ta'uun dhugaa lafa irra jirtu yeroodhaan dhaggeeffattoota biraan ga'aa turuun ni beekama.
ONM hanga har'atti karaa Raadiyoo, Yotuubii fi Facebook qophiilee isaa tamsaasaa turuun ni yaadatama. Haa ta'u malee, yeroo humni farra nageenyaa, fi diimookraasii ta'ee kan duriirra humna isaa cimsee Oromoo irratti bobbaasee jiru kanatti miidiyaan kun goochaa haamaa mootumaan abbaan iree ummata keeyna nagaa irratti raawachaa jiru saaxiiluun itti fufee shoora ol-aanaa akka tophatufi hiroomsuum barbaachiisaadha. Kaayyoo isaa kana galmaan ga'uuf Miidiyichi karaa toora saatalayitii Oromiyaa fi guutuu Adduunyaatti akka taasafamu taasisuu irratti Qooda kessan akka baatan issin gaafata. Oromoo kanneen biyya alaa fi keessa jirtan sagalee keessan cinaa akka dhaabbatan, maallaqaan akka tumsitan isin gaafanna.
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11 supporters