Nicholas Haley is fundraising

Moving Forward: Help us buy a van!
Everyone who has come through our doors will have fond memories of van rides to regattas and rowing camps. There is no doubt that lots of bonding goes on when a crew hits the road together. For many of our beginner athletes, a van means something more- it means access to our sport, our club and our river. As we continue to reach out across our city and draw in youngsters from all over, we are constantly running into the obstacle of transportation.
With our own van, many new opportunities become possible for RCRC. We can invite P.E. classes to come to the clubhouse and try our the ergs, or even row! We can hold summer camps and include kids who have no means of getting to the boatyard on their own. We can reduce the expense associated with traveling to other clubs and camps.
In short, we think it's the next evolution in broadening our approach. We've invested $20,000 in a new barge for novices. Now we're trying to eliminate another barrier kids often face.
We're asking the alumni of our program to spearhead this campaign. If each class can generate even a few hundred dollars we will meet our goal without difficulty. If you rowed with us please help us get there! And pass the word to your class and former boatmates.
Thank you!
Coach Nick
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32 supporters