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StandUp For Kids

StandUp for Kids is a national non-profit organization dedicated to ending the cycle of youth homelessness. We do this in cities ...Mehr erfahren

Logo von StandUp For Kids

Über StandUp For Kids

StandUp for Kids is a national non-profit organization dedicated to ending the cycle of youth homelessness. We do this in cities across America, one youth at a time. Since 1990, the organization has cared for homeless and at-risk youth by transitioning them from crisis to connection. We give our youth a sense of safety, hope, and belonging. We serve unaccompanied homeless and at-risk youth - and young parents with children of their own - up to their 25th birthday. To do this, we have built four core programs in many of the cities where we operate: Street Outreach, Outreach Centers, Mentoring, and Housing Support. Our volunteer/staff teams build trust and become a consistent resource to stabilize and create in these youth a sincere belief in themselves.

200 Nelson Ferry Rd Ste BDecatur, GA 30030


Human services, Child welfare, Youth services, Homeless services



Auf GoFundMe verifiziert





Youth Centers, Clubs, (includes Boys/Girls Clubs)- Multipurpose

StandUp For Kids ist eine öffentliche Wohltätigkeitsorganisation mit dem Status 501(c)(3), EIN 33-0414855. Spenden sind steuerlich absetzbar. Ausgewählte Inhalte werden von GuideStar bereitgestellt.

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