Would you join me in the fight against the current adolescent mental health crisis as we work together to end teen suicide? Many of you, like our family, have been impacted by this tragedy. In 2017 we lost a beloved friend and babysitter to our daughters, Mary Glenn Oliver. She was a bright, funny, compassionate young girl who made everything better simply with her presence. We continue to miss her and want to help other young people get the help they need.
Post-pandemic research tells us that suicide among high schoolers is on the rise. In the last year, 22% reported seriously considering suicide, 18% made a plan and 10% attempted at least once. Our girls are faring worse than their male counterparts. For example, one in three teen girls said they seriously considered suicide in the last year. Sadly suicide continues to be the second leading cause of death among students ages 10-24.
On Sunday, April 30th I will run the Women's Shape Half Marathon in New York City's Central Park to raise money to benefit The Society for the Prevention of Teen Suicide (SPTS). Mary Glenn's mom Sara, a dear friend, will travel from Louisville KY to join me (and other friends) for this run. I hope many of you will run or walk that day wherever you are in support of this important cause. Would you also consider financially supporting our run? Any donation will help make an impact. Thanks in advance for your contribution and please forward this to anyone you know who may be willing to support this work.
(SPTS) is a non-profit community organization dedicated to increasing awareness and reducing the stigma of suicide through specialized training programs and outreach resources that empower teens, parents and educational leaders with the guidance and skills needed to help those at risk of suicide build a life of resiliency.