Organized by Unity Village Chapel

2024-UVC HarvestFest Fundraiser
For over 100 years, Unity Village Chapel (UVC) has been the flagship ministry located at the headquarters of the Unity movement at Unity Village. We are honored and proud to continue providing spiritual nourishment to folks in our local area and around the country.
Living into our spiritual potential, we become aware of our accountability to help sustain our spiritual commUnity.
What we give truly matters: volunteering our time and talents strengthens our village immeasurably every single day. The giving of our treasure supports the flow of Spirit activity at UVC.
If you consider UVC as your spiritual home, we encourage you to set up a Sustaining Giving contribution or increase your Sustaining giving. As a sustaining contributor, you become a consistent co-creator of good in our commUnity and the world. This prosperity practice generates greater financial stability, allowing UVC to budget effectively and plan activities and events. Every offering ensures the legacy of UVC providing the stable foundation to continue its growth and longevity.
This fall, we enthusiastically invite YOU to be a part of energizing the upward spiral of consciousness that is UVC!
We appreciate your participation in every form!!
Please contact the office if you have questions or need assistance. [email redacted]
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60 supporters