25 Top Australian Charities You Should Know About

Deciding to donate to a cause close to your heart is never a bad idea. And Australia is one of the most giving countries in the world, according to the World Giving Index 2023.
There are plenty of causes you can give to which will really make a difference in Australia, and donating has never been easier. Now we live in a world with plenty of options to donate online, through charity websites or crowdfunding. And you can still give the old fashioned way through charity shops and physical donations, too.
We’ve put together this guide to help you navigate some of the top Australian charities to choose from. We’ve collated the most popular so that all you Aussies looking to make a difference can do with ease.
It also couldn’t be easier to start a charity fundraiser on GoFundMe. Just pick your cause – the registered charity of your choice – and get started!
Finding the right charity for you
The real question when it comes to giving isn’t why, but who? Choosing a charity is a hugely personal decision. Start by thinking about the causes closest to your heart. For example, are you an animal person? Or have you experienced illnesses such as dementia in your family and want to help others in the same position? Or do you want to protect the environment?
To help you make a difference, we have selected 25 of the best Australian charities to donate to below. Each one represents a hugely important cause.
What are the best charities to donate to
So, do you want to start giving? Each of these Australian charities is listed in the government’s Australian Charities Report and GoFundMe’s charity directory. They represent a range of causes and interests, from The Salvation Army to the RSPCA.
1. Clean Up Australia
Inspiring and mobilising communities to improve and conserve the environment and eliminate waste, Clean Up Australia has now been operating for over 30 years. During this time, over 21 million Australians have participated in organised events and activities by the charity, which makes it a great choice for eager volunteers.
They’re now regarded as one of Australia’s best charities thanks to the practical solutions they provide to help Aussies live more sustainably. They focus on preventing rubbish from entering the environment and removing what has already accumulated. As far as environmental charities go, Clean Up Australia is one of the most recognised and trusted.
2. UnitingCare Australia
As one of the largest networks of social services providers in Australia, UnitingCare Australia supports 1.4 million people every year across the country in urban, rural and remote communities. This is thanks to a team of over 50,000 staff and 30,000 volunteers.
Supporting vulnerable Aussies for over 100 years, they believe that everyone should be able to live life to the fullest no matter their circumstances and be given a voice. The charitable aid they receive ensures they’re able to maintain working relationships across all political parties and with key politicians, public servants and thought leaders at the national level.
3. The Salvation Army Australia
The Salvation Army Australia is one of the more widely recognised Australian charities, offering spiritual and social support to communities across the country. Despite being an international Christian movement, they also focus on national issues to bring hope to people who are experiencing hardship or injustice.
4. Surf Life Saving Australia
While surfing is a major passion among many Aussies, it does come with its risks. That’s where Surf Life Saving Australia comes in as the country’s leading coastal water safety, drowning prevention and rescue authority. The nonprofit has a huge number of volunteers, with over 190,000 members and 314 affiliated Surf Life Saving clubs. So far, over 715,000 people have been rescued by their surf lifesavers, which demonstrates the importance of their role in coastal communities.
5. World Vision Australia
World Vision Australia strives to overcome poverty for all children around the world, a mission they’ve been carrying out for over 70 years. As a result of their community-focused solutions, for every child you help, four more children benefit.
When you donate to World Vision Australia, 80.5% of the total funds received go to field programs and advocacy work, while 10.2% go towards fundraising and 9.3% to admin and accountability.
6. Silverchain
Silverchain is the leading in-home provider of complete care services in Australia, offering support to over 115,000 people of all ages each year. They provide a range of services that include hospital in the home, palliative care, aged care (Home Care Packages and Commonwealth Home Support Program), allied health and social support and virtual care monitoring.
The charity has worked for over 130 years as a not-for-profit, aiming to revolutionise the way complete care is provided and to transform the way it is received – creating a better home care system for all Australians.
7. Australian Red Cross
This highly-regarded organisation is one of the best Australian charities for those who want to volunteer their time to support a worthwhile cause. From helping members of the local community to supporting those suffering from the effects of a natural disaster, you can make a considerable difference.
Alternatively, you could fundraise for the Red Cross by participating in events such as the Big Cake Bake and the Crunchtober Challenge. Not only could you support vulnerable people and communities around Australia by participating, but you could also realise your ambitions as the next Mary Berry.
8. OneCare
If you live in Tasmania and want to support a cause specific to your state, then OneCare is an excellent not-for-profit, aged care organisation that welcomes volunteers. Assisting more than 2,000 people, they’ve been supporting and caring for aged individuals and people with disability for more than 40 years.
Volunteers can get involved in supporting residents and staff across their residential aged care facilities, home care and independent living accommodation, which are all designed to help the people they serve make the most of every day.
9. Care Australia
A worthy inclusion on this Australian charities list, Care Australia puts women at the heart of their work to end worldwide poverty. This leading international aid organisation works around the globe to save lives and defeat poverty, helping over 1.44 million people across 14 countries last year.
10. Bush Heritage Australia
For all nature lovers, Bush Heritage Australia is easily one of the best charities for you. A not-for-profit conservation organisation, Bush Heritage Australia protects ecosystems and wildlife across the continent. They work on the ground with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and the agricultural sector to make sure their impact is sustainable and collaborative.
You can get involved in a variety of different ways, including donations, fundraising and volunteering. Your efforts will contribute towards their 2030 vision to protect, restore and regenerate a total of 30 million hectares of land, as well as deepening their support of Aboriginal Partnerships.
11. RSPCA Australia
The RSPCA in Australia is a federation, with an RSPCA in each state and territory and RSPCA Australia as the national body. They provide valuable services to animals in need through their shelters and inspectorates, while also influencing animal welfare policy, practice and legislation across the country. The RSPCA welcomes both donations and volunteers.
If you’re an animal lover who wants to make a difference in a unique way, then you can also adopt a pet. This involves giving an animal a second chance by providing a loving home for them.
12. Soldier On
Soldier On’s mission in Australia is to deliver life-changing support services, programs and activities, to serving and ex-serving Defence personnel and their families. Your generous donations to this charity will go towards supporting families who are facing challenges in their lives, enabling them to establish purpose and belonging in the civilian world.
13. Sydney Children’s Hospitals Foundation
If you want to help shape the future of children’s healthcare, then the Sydney Children’s Hospitals Foundation is an excellent Australian charity to support. Your donations will go towards ensuring all children have access to the best possible healthcare whenever and wherever they need it.
With a team of 70,000 individual donors, volunteers and supporters, millions of dollars are raised each year to support New South Wales hospitals, services and research. You can make contributions by giving a donation, buying merchandise, toy donations or getting involved in one of their events.
14. UNICEF Australia
UNICEF lives by their slogan, ‘For every child in need. No matter what’, aiming to change policies and practices that are detrimental to children’s rights in Australia and internationally. One of the best Australian charities for those wanting to support younger generations, any funds raised go towards worldwide emergency and development work.
In Australia specifically, they aim to amplify children’s voices, defend their rights and help them fulfil their potential, from early childhood through adolescence. Why not fundraise for UNICEF today by organising a fun run or setting up a page for your birthday?
15. Australian Lions Hearing Dogs
If you want a charity that provides care to both animals and humans, then Australian Lions Hearing Dogs ticks all of the right boxes. Well-looked after, fully trained hearing assistance dogs are provided for Australians who are deaf or hard of hearing, so they can enjoy a fulfilling life. In 2020, they delivered just over 650 Australians a furry companion.
With more than 400,000 Australians suffering from severe or profound hearing loss, the hard work carried out by this charity is vital – not just for the individuals, but their families as well. You can even contribute directly by sponsoring a puppy!
16. Minderoo Foundation
The Minderoo Foundation wants to help build a society that values all people and natural ecosystems, by uplifting communities, advancing gender and equality, protecting the ocean and responding to emerging challenges. Founded in 2001 and proudly Australian, they advocate for change, seek effective solutions and dismantle the systems that entrench inequality. Their mantra is to collaborate, advocate, innovate, fight and act for a fairer future.
17. Heart Foundation Australia
One of the more widely recognised Australian charities, every dollar you donate to Heart Foundation Australia will help to fund research, support those in need and develop programs that help save lives. Their main goal is to improve heart disease prevention, detection and support for all Australians. Coronary heart disease is Australia’s number one killer, taking 50 lives every day, which makes this a hugely vital cause.
Your donations will go towards funding high-impact research, advocating to governments and industry and building community awareness about living a heart-healthy lifestyle.
18. The Wilderness Society
Are you passionate about protecting the natural world and preserving Australia’s forests and bushlands? The Wilderness Society is powered by thousands of Australians who contribute through membership, donations and bequests, as well as buying merchandise from the charity’s online store. The charity is currently running an urgent appeal to help support them in lobbying MPs for strong nature laws, pressuring corporations to change their practices and building grassroots campaigns with local communities.
19. Médecins Sans Frontières Australia
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) delivers emergency medical aid to people affected by armed conflict, epidemics, natural disasters and exclusion from healthcare. They currently operate programs in around 70 countries, offering assistance based on medical needs. Over 90% of funding comes from individual private donors, which highlights just how important your donations to this charity would be.
20. Beacon Foundation
Based in Hobart, the Beacon Foundation is a not-for-profit organisation that works with schools, businesses and communities to bring real-world relevance to education and inspire young people to consider their career options before leaving school. For over 35 years they’ve delivered programs for students in years 7 to 12 with an ICSEA of less than 1,000.
By supporting this charity through donations or voluntary work, you’ll help them deliver on their promise that socio-economic background or geography should not determine the education or career opportunities someone has in life.
21. Cancer Council Australia
Whether you choose to volunteer, fundraise or donate, there are many ways to get involved with Cancer Council Australia. In doing so, you’ll be assisting their aim to support all Australians affected by cancer through support, research and prevention programs. The primary role of the federal body is to develop independent national cancer control policy, while each state and territory has its own Cancer Council that undertakes most of the organisation’s research, patient support and education programs.
22. Leukaemia Foundation
The Leukaemia Foundation offers invaluable support in improving the lives of anyone impacted by leukaemia and any other kind of blood cancer. Your donations will go towards the health services they provide, which are led by a team of trained healthcare professionals who provide emotional and practical support.
Your financial contributions will also help fund leading-edge research, translating to life-saving new treatments and rapid access to clinical trials. With more than 100 types of different blood cancers, there are plenty of Australians who rely on the support given by amazing charities like the Leukaemia Foundation.
23. The Clontarf Foundation
If you’re passionate about helping the indigenous communities of Australia, then The Clontarf Foundation is a very worthy cause. They strive to improve the education, discipline, life skills, self-esteem and employment prospects of young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander men, so they’re equipped to participate more meaningfully in society.
All donations you make to this charity go straight to those enrolled in their academies across Australia. In total, there are 148 academies within 158 schools across Western Australia, Northern Territory, Victoria, New South Wales, Queensland and South Australia.
24. The Fred Hollows Foundation
The Fred Hollows Foundation is a development organisation working in more than 25 countries, including Australia. The funds they raise help train and empower local eye doctors, nurses and health workers to create a sustainable system of care in the communities that need it most. Whether you’re rich or poor, the foundation believes that everyone should have access to affordable eye health.
Founder Fred Hollows didn’t view the organisation as a charity, but as a tool for teaching, supporting and empowering people to help themselves. Just a $25 donation can be used to fund someone’s cataract treatment, which may be all it takes to restore someone’s sight.
25. Helping Hand
Established in 1953, Helping Hand has been offering help and support to older South Australians for 70 years. In total, this not-for-profit organisation supports over 7,000 Aussies in Adelaide and regional South Australia. They endeavour to make people feel at home, whether they’re in one of their residential homes, their own home or in their workplace.
When you donate to Helping Hand, you can choose to support a specific project, such as their Dementia Scholarship, or by giving a more general donation that can be used across the organisation.
Start a GoFundMe
So, you’ve been inspired to start fundraising for charity. It couldn’t be easier to start a GoFundMe and start crowdfunding for the good cause you’ve chosen. But there are a few steps you can take to really help your fundraiser shine and hopefully see more donations roll in.
- Write a compelling fundraiser story: When you’re setting up your fundraiser, it’s important to think about a compelling fundraiser story. Share as much detail as you feel comfortable with about why you’re supporting this specific cause.
- Use pictures and video: Along with a fundraiser story, you can add video and pictures to your fundraising page to help illustrate what you’re doing.
- Share your fundraiser! A really important part of starting a GoFundMe is to shout about it. Share your fundraiser on social media when you kick it off and explain what you’re doing. Utilise any group chats or email lists for friends and family to send it out to. And whenever you meet a fundraising goal, put on an event in relation to the page or have any updates, share those too!
- Post updates: Your generous donors will be interested in what you’re doing. You can easily post updates to your GoFundMe page – do this each time you smash a target or host an event.
Fundraising ideas
There are loads of brilliant, creative ways that you can use to really maximise your fundraising. Why not think about:
- Fundraising in a team: There are multiple benefits to fundraising in a team. There’s multiple hands to the deck to really see that total move, but also fundraising together can help to boost morale. Why not gather a group of friends or colleagues to band together to get raising for that good cause?
- Host a fundraising event: Hosting a fundraising event offline can be a brilliant way to see the total move, too. Why not organise a sports day in your local community and ask for a small contribution to get involved? Or host a bake sale at work, or a coffee morning? There are plenty of other fundraising ideas on our blog here, too.
- Sporting challenge: Signing up to a fitness challenge is a really easy way to fundraise. Whether you’re a gym bunny or a complete novice, there’s a fitness challenge to suit any ability. Running a 5k is a really easy place to start, for example.
- Think about seasonal events: Consider linking your fundraising to seasonal events. For example, summer is a great time to host a garden party or BBQ and ask for donations on entry. Easter could work for Easter egg hunting – and of course there’s plenty of seasonal activities linked to Christmas which you could utlise, too.
If you’re still in need of a bit more inspiration have a look at our post on easy ways to fundraise here.
Start helping your favourite cause today
Inspired? Fundraising for charity is a great way to make a positive impact on the world and support causes that matter to you. Whether you are raising awareness, helping those in need or bringing people together to work towards a common goal, there are so many reasons to fundraise for your favourite Australian charities.
You can raise money for almost any charity you want using GoFundMe. You can set up a page in seconds, and start fundraising immediately. The GoFundMe platform is easy to use, as well as fast.
Our crowdfunding experts have produced fundraising resources to help Aussies raise as much money for their chosen cause as possible. We know how busy you are, which is why you can fundraise on the go with our app.
We’re proud our service is so easy and so fun to use. And just in case you need them, our customer support operates seven days a week, across all hours.
There are so many ways to get involved to help the best Australian charities in this list – and so many reasons why GoFundMe is the best way to get involved.