Here’s What You Can Do to Get Financial Help for Veterans

Providing financial help for veterans is incredibly important while they readjust to regular life. With more than 64,000 current veterans in Australia, you may well know someone who has served in the armed forces – or you may have even served yourself.
It’s never simple making the transition back to everyday life, especially when it comes to finances. Many veterans find themselves facing financial emergencies or financial pressure – and it’s nothing to be ashamed of.
The Australian government has long sought to give veterans privileges in return for their service, including financial assistance, support for families and discounts and concessions. Often, however, it’s not enough. Outlined below are several options that offer financial help for ex-service men and women.
Key reasons to help veterans
- Elderly veterans and combat veterans who are disabled are especially vulnerable when it comes to financial stress.
- The 2019 Productivity Commission’s Draft Report on Veteran’s Affairs found that currently the system was complex, difficult to navigate and poorly administered.
Financial resources for veterans
There are quite a few resources dedicated to helping veterans. We’ve found the following sources of financial help for veterans:
- Income support from the Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA) that include a service pension, disability pension, one-off Crisis Payment, allowance, bill supplements, Pension Bonus Scheme, lump sum advance or additional support for blindness, or having been a prisoner of war.
- DVA grants that help with seed funding projects that encourage healthy living, reduce social isolation, place and support carers and provide access to key community services.
- BraveryTrust offer emergency financial relief to veterans of the Australian Defence Force who attained a serious injury or illness during their time in service.
- RSL DefenceCare can pay important bills and arrange key services in home maintenance, as well as cover childcare costs, funeral expenses and medical expenses while a pension claim is being assessed.
- Australian Veterans’ Children Assistance Trust ensure that the children and grandchildren of veterans are not disadvantaged in their education by providing tertiary scholarships and bursaries.
Resources for homeless veterans
The Department of Veterans Affairs provides the following homelessness support programs:
- OpenArms provides emergency “time out” crisis housing, for up to five nights (longer if deemed necessary).
- One-off crisis payments for eligible veterans, and state-based homeless outreach initiatives. Check the DVA website for state-by-state resources.
Job resources for veterans
- Every year, 5,500 thousand veterans leave the Australian Defence Force. Veterans Employment work hard to raise awareness with employers about the value of hiring ex-service people, and ensure that veterans have the adequate resources to be successful in their job search.
- New South Wales, Queensland, Victoria and Western Australia offer their own state-based hiring programs to encourage veterans to be placed in appropriate public sector jobs.
- Working Spirit are a specialist recruitment agency working to place veterans in suitable, rewarding careers post-service.
Crowdfunding for veterans
Citizens often honour veterans by paying respects at landmarks like the Sydney Cenotaph in Martin Place, Sydney, which is visited by thousands of people every year. Another way to show gratitude is by crowdfunding for veterans causes. You can raise funds to give directly to veterans or give the funds you raise to an existing organisation.
Even though there are government programs and charities which provide aid for veterans, you personally can make a positive impact too. If you know a veteran who is in need of financial assistance – whether they’re reaching out after a setback or because they’re reaching for a dream – you can start a crowdfunding fundraiser on their behalf. Or you can simply raise money for your favourite charity for veterans.
Be of service to a veteran
Whether you decide to crowdfund for one of these organisations or raise funds directly for a veteran friend or family member, we’re here to help you provide emergency financial assistance for veterans. People use our crowdfunding platform to raise money for veterans every day.