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Help My Family Evacuate Gaza

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Hello, compassionate souls,

I'm Samer Qatta, a Palestinian filmmaker residing in Gaza. Today, I come to you with an urgent plea for assistance to secure the temporary relocation of my family from the North of Gaza, where the unfolding humanitarian catastrophe has reached unprecedented levels of despair.

As informed individuals who keep abreast of global events, you are likely aware of the dire situation faced by every Gazan, particularly those trapped in the North. For the past six months, my family, including my wife Marwa Qatta and our two precious daughters, Rita and Karma Qatta, has weathered the relentless storm of war amidst the ruins of our home. But our resilience has waned in the face of unimaginable suffering.

ٌRita and Karma, Septmeber 2023, at our apartment.

My children, innocent souls caught in the crossfire, bear the brunt of this war’s devastating consequences. As a father, it pains me deeply to witness their anguish without the means to alleviate their suffering. Rita and Karma deserve a childhood free from the horrors of war, a chance to dream and thrive in safety.

Rita, a vibrant 5-year-old, once brimming with excitement for kindergarten, now cowers at the sound of warplanes, knowing all too well the devastation they herald. Witnessing her once lively surroundings reduced to rubble, and losing friends and neighbors to the senseless and unbearable violence has left her heartbroken.

Karma, just 2 years old, should be exploring the wonders of the world, but instead, she's been thrust into the nightmare of conflict, learning the sounds of war before the joys of childhood.

Our home, once a sanctuary, now lies in ruins, along with my livelihood as a filmmaker. My camera, a lone survivor, bears witness to our desperate plight as we constantly flee from one danger zone to another, clinging to life amidst the chaos.

Trapped amidst the devastation, we struggle daily for the basic necessities of food and water, with the blockade further tightening its grip on our already suffocating existence.

The path to escape, facilitated by Hala, a company aiding our travel from Gaza, presents a daunting financial hurdle. At $5000 per adult and $2500 per child, the total sum needed for our small family's relocation amounts to $15000—a staggering figure for a family already teetering on the edge of despair.

In addition to covering the travel expenses, we must also secure funds for our accommodation and living expenses in Egypt until a safe return to Gaza becomes feasible.

Your compassionate support can provide us with the means to temporarily relocate from this war-torn landscape, offering my family a glimpse of hope and the promise of a brighter tomorrow. Your generosity can help us rewrite the narrative of despair into one of resilience and renewal.

We implore you, dear friends, to extend your generosity and help us secure our passage out of Gaza. Again, your support can offer us a chance at survival and the hope for a future free from the specter of violence.

Every contribution, no matter how small, brings us one step closer to safety and a new beginning.

With heartfelt gratitude,
Samer Qatta and family


  • Ishfak Siyam
    • 10 £
    • 1 g
  • Anonima
    • 20 £
    • 1 g
  • normale community
    • 40 £
    • 1 mese
  • Anonima
    • 40 £
    • 2 mesi
  • Ada Rachfalska
    • 40 £
    • 2 mesi

Organizzatore e beneficiario

Samer Qatta
Ibrahim Banat

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