60 plus poodles surrendered
Do you want to join me in making a difference? I'm raising money in aid of Helping Paws Adoption Program INC and every donation will help. Thank you in advance for your contribution to this cause that means so much to me.
There are another 60 Coming please help if you can
Today we received a drop off of 9 toy poodles. The poor little souls have not been kept in the best conditions and are scared- sweet not aggressive but timid.
2 are pregnant - one ready to whelp and the other 4-5 weeks along.
We’ve been working hard this afternoon to have them :
Vet checked
Ultrasound the girls for pregnancy - 2 of 6 were positive
Vaccinate intestinal worm, heartworm, flea, and tick treat plus microchip.
We will start their surgeries tomorrow, most need desexing and dentals ( the pregnant girls will be desexed after whelping).
We are hoping you can help us - they are small but many- we are looking for tiny kibble and wet food for them. Donation towards their vet work would also be amazing,
Bank Details:
Helping Paws Adoption Program
BSB - 084134
Асс - 365676097
Kelly Burgess
Hillcrest, QLD
Helping paws adoption program