Help Bring Dilara Home
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UPDATE 2/26/2019--I am in dire need of assistance. I need nearly $6,000 by next Monday, Tuesday at the very latest, to keep my house from going to foreclosure auction March 6, Wednesday. I will be in court Monday and Wednesday, Juvenile Court, Davidson County where I will be attempting to defend myself, pro se, against allegations that Dilara is "dependent and neglected" and I am a perpetrator of psychological harm--see here--https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.572320933151961&type=1&l=eeaaec1e0d Oh....I can rant all day on their lies and the way they don't follow the law or rules and they are not supporting my daughter's best interest.
I did get attorneys to cover my custody modification trial in 2016-2018, but I am without representation now. Connie Reguli and Cynthia Cheatham did an awesome job of arguing the law and getting all the evidence admitted so that there was an excellent record preserved for a win on appeal, but the Judge, Sheila Calloway, is attempting to omit from the record all testimony or evidence that contradicts her "findings of fact". WHAT I SAY IS TRUE. And I am sharing the proof publicly, and i am being retaliated for
If I can reinstate my mortgage, my payments will be lower than most one-bedroom apartments. I can stay close to downtown as I fight to defend the Constitution and also to get my daughter out of court-ordered captivity so she can enjoy relationships with both parents again.
I am keeping this old picture up...The picture is of Dilara and my older daughter (different dads), Callie Hubbell, who is a senior at Vanderbilt, and who has also been cut out of Dilara's life, not by court order, but by Dilara's father. Dilara's brother, Noah, is in his second year at the University of Minnesota, and he is allowed no contact either.
My story is long and complicated (they complicate it on purpose), but the short and simple version is that I am an excellent mother, I have never harmed nor endangered any of my children and all of my children did very well when in my primary care. Dilara was enjoying a very stable life until her father was allowed to cut me out. No 10 year old should have to spend years begging to be reunited with family members, and despairing to the point of saying she wants to die and begging people to kill her because she misses me so much.
At some point, I might be able to file a civil lawsuit, but all I really want is to be able to pick up the shattered pieces of our lives and help my family heal from this trauma that never should have even started, and wouldn't have if the lawyers, judges, and state and county employees were doing their jobs.
My whole case is on the internet. There have been so many lies told about me and erroneous "findings of fact" that I have publicly shared the accusations and the proof that shows that this whole case is malicious abuse of process and civil rights retaliation.
I will answer any questions anybody might have to the best of my ability. I have not got all the answers, but I know I am somebody who is fighting a battle most people would not or could not. I can't see this awful truth and turn my head. I have to believe that anybody who understood what I am fighting and how important it is would support me in any way they can.
I have had a lot of support, but I need more--financial and otherwise.. And "the system" needs to know that in Tennessee and in America, the average citizen, like me, believes that we all deserve more liberty and justice than we might be able to pay for.
If you want to see what they took my daughter from, see www.dilarasnaturestudyandblog.weebly.com or look through my photo albums on my Lydia Hubbell or Lydia A Hubbell facebook pages. Most of my court drama is on the Lydia A Hubbell and I have a lot of "friends" on that profile that are in similar situations as me. I am fighting for judicial accountability and family integrity.
If you can't donate, please share with anybody who might appreciate my efforts to defend Liberty and Justice. Freedom really isn't free and my daughter has, at this point, spent a 12 1/2 month period, a 9 1/2 month period, and, now, a 7 month period (which will almost surely be indefinite as long as the judge thinks she can continue to get away with her arbitrary abuse of power) since June 15, 2015. This is all about a father who does not want to share "possession" (as he calls it) of our child. My child is not a trophy. And I only hope she lives through this. 10 year olds can and do commit suicide. Does anyone think that what my daughter is going through is less painful than being bullied in the schoolyard? I don't just need financial help, I need help getting Dilara's story told and I need people complaining and filing formal complaints against these judges and lawyers and state employees. Tell everyone, please. This picture is my brother, Tod Missick, my son Noah Hubbell, me , and my 2 lovely daughters, Dilara Gider and Callie Hubbell. This was on an UNLAWFULLY ORDERED "supervised" visit. Jan. 11, 2018. We are all 100 percent cut out of Dilara's life by Dilara's father. He is Turkish and has NO FAMILY here. Dilara is cut off from her aunts, cousins, grandparents, "old friends" and EVERYONE. Please help me bring an end to this madness. Court-ordered child abuse and other oppression should NEVER be tolerated. Especially not in MY sity and MY state and MY country. Every Nashvillian, Tennessean, and American should be outrated.

### (old "story" from this campaign)
"As of March 9, 2017, my legal fees owed have risen to about $6,500, and that is after applying the donations that have been received and paid. If I had not been able to collect donations to put up a retainer, I doubt that I would ever have been allowed to have any consistent, meaningful contact with my daughter. No fit, competent, nurturing parent, or even "average" parent should have to pay tens of thousands of dollars into "the system" just to exercise their fundamental liberty interests and to be able to have a close and continuing relationship with their child. This kind of manipulation of the legal system by emotionally disturbed parents (I'm not the emotionally disturbed one, as I respect and support my child's relationship with her father) and their unscrupulous attorneys (like Sarah Reist Digby, Digby Family Law) goes on far more often than most people would imagine and few people are able to fight for years, as I have. My focus is getting my daughter back into my life for my fair share of parenting time, but I am also fighting against the corruption that allowed me to be ripped out of her life in the first place."--Lydia Hubbell
Dilara Gider an 8 year-old second-grader in Nashville, Tennessee is in desperate need of your help. The entire family (Mother Lydia Hubbell, half-sister Callie Hubbell and half-brother Noah Hubbell) has not been together since Mother's Day of 2015 because of abusive misuse of the legal system by Dilara's father and his attorney Sarah Reist, Reist & Maples, Nashville, Tennessee.
No, he isn't a monster, he got caught up in a situation he wasn't prepared for and it is likely that he is simply suffering from an adjustment disorder, like Dilara's mother did. She tried for years to get him to get help, like like did, but wasn't interested. People should never hire lawyers when they really need a good therapist. Or Jesus.
Dilara's family bears absolutely no ill will towards him. The hope is that the court will correct it's mistake and that he will simply stop going down this wrong road and focus on meeting Dilara's needs and stop attacking Dilara's mother. Dilara has two good parents and she should have equal access to both of them.
Details below and email me if you have any questions.

"This was our first visit together after over a year of no contact due to her father's fraudulent misuse of an Order of Protection issued by Judge Phillip Robinson, Third Circuit Court, Davidson County, Tennessee. Dilara's father and his unscrupluous attorney, Sarah Reist circumvented the custody and visitation order in Juvenile Court by going to Third Circuit to a new judge who knew nothing of the case. The lies told in Sarah's opening statement unfairly prejudiced Judge Robinson against me, and I had less "credibility" anyway since I did not have an attorney representing me."--Lydia A. Hubbell, Dilara's mom
Who will benefit from this campaign?
Immediately, Dilara Gider and her loved ones.
A victory over corruption in the family court system is a victory for every parent and child and for every American who values freedom and justice and who believes that children's needs are paramount and the desires of the parents are secondary.
This campaign will encourage judicial accountability and family integrity in Nashville, Tennessee, and all over the country. It is true that, "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere." Your donation will contribute to the fight against injustice.
What will the funds be used for?
All funds will go directly for legal expenses to secure Dilara's right to enjoy equal access to both her mother and father, as she did for the first 5 1/2 years of her life until her father decided to cut Dilara off from her mother and the family members, friends, neighbors, pets, church, and other people and experiences that Dilara had been blessed with during her mother's 185 days a year of parenting time.
Dilara's mother went from having 185 days of parenting time to zero days of parenting time, which is contrary to all relevant laws and even common sense. It is in the child's best interest and the law requires that Dilara's time with her mother be restored, but it won't happen unless there is a lawyer fighting for justice.
Dilara has been damaged emotionally from this court-ordered abuse and has complained to her father, her counselor, and mother (during a few hours of supervised visits) that being cut off from her mother has made her feel worried and sad and angry at her father for keeping her from her mother. She has told him that she "acts bad" at school because she needs her mother. After being cut off from her mother in June of 2015, she has been disruptive and violent, even to the point of breaking her teacher's foot and biting another adult to the point that the skin was broken, and other behavior that led to 6 days of suspension in less than the first six months of this, her second-grade school year.
The courts should not be used to create emotionally damaged children who can be expected to grow into emotionally damaged adults without someone intervening to ensure that a child's needs are met.
Dilara has explained to her father that she is grumpy and irritable at school because she can't sleep at night because she misses her mom and feels worried and sad and cries in her bed. He has shown that he does not care about her emotional needs, nor about how her "acting out" affects the teachers and classmates at her school.
Dilara's mother, Lydia A Hubbell has been fighting for justice for her family for 2 1/2 years and expect the battle to be won within the next few months if she can keep up with the legal fees that the other side has run up by filing frivolous pleadings and rescheduling hearings or striking motions at the last minute, or doing whatever possible to cause delay and run up cost that everyone knows Lydia cannot pay without begging for help from others.
Dilara wants what she had before court interference. She wants to have a peace, security, and maximum participation of both parents in her life, and her educational needs met in the best way possible--in a homeschool administered by her mother.
Lydia has shared some of her story on Youtube, most briefly in this video (please read info in the description)
You may find her on Facebook at Facebook Lydia A Hubbell
Lydia is willing to answer any questions or concerns anyone might have about the merits of her case.
How soon are the funds needed?
We need $3,000 by January 27, 2017 to cover an arrearage with Connie Reguli, the attorney who is working towards restoring Dilara to her mother's primary care. There will be a major hearing Feb. 10 that will require additional funds. The $5,000 posted is an estimate of what will be needed to cover the arrearage and contribute to preparation for the Feb. 10 hearing. Connie's law firm is Law Care Family Law Center
Connie was first retained by Dilara's mother several months ago to prevent Dilara's father and his attorney, Sarah Reist, from extending a fraudlently-obtained order of protection that was used to cut Dilara off from all contact with her mother from June 15, 2015 to June 15, 2016 .
Dilara's mother, Lydia, has appealed the current custody order, but Dilara's father and his attorney, Sarah Reist, have filed a new petition, despite the current order gives Dilara's father 365 days a year of parenting time, and Lydia zero. The purpose of the new petition is to make Lydia's pending appeal moot. This is the kind of abuse of the legal process that needs to be recognized and stopped.
What is the background?
Lydia has mostly represented herself in civil court matters as she cannot afford an attorney on her SSDI income. Lydia has several health problems that have left her unable to engage in substantial gainful activity for the past 15 years or so and this fact was one that was used to restrict Dilara's time with her mother. Dilara's father has enormous financial resources in comparison. Lydia, whose professional background and education has primarily been in the field of childcare and who has been a full-time homemaker and mother for the past 19 years, has had no choice but to slog her own way through the family court system to defend her family.
Lydia has lost 2 custody trials and a contempt trial (for violating an unlawful gag order by exposing the abuse) in Juvenile Court and unsuccessfully opposed an abusive and fraudulently obtained order of protection in Third Circuit Court, but has 3 appeals pending in the Court of Appeals. The appeals court judges review for error and will set thimgs right eventually.
Lydia has also been vindicated in criminal court of false charges by Dilara's father that resulted in Lydia's four arrests in the past 18 months or so. The favorable resolution of all these cases was accomplished only through the zealous representation of Nashville's Public Defenders, Adam Pienciak in particular. The prosecutors don't seem to care if someone is guilty or not, they seem to either want a conviction or a plea bargain, regardless of the facts of the case. The crimnal court system is also unfair to the financially disadvantaged. And perjury seems to never be punished, therefore, it is indulged in on a regular basis, which hurts everyone.
Prior to Lydia's experience in the legal system, she was under the false impression that parents had to have harmed their children or done something wrong to lose custody or parenting time and people didn't get arrested unless they had broken a law.
There has never been any child abuse or neglect, or any threat to Dilara's well-being while in her Mother's care. The whole court case has been based on lies, misrepresentations and disregard of all relevant fact and law. Dilara wants and needs both of her parents involved in her life to the greatest extent possible, which is what she enjoyed for the first 5 1/2 years of her life until her father asked the court to intervene in her happy and stable life.
How helping in this case will help others.
This kind of family court corruption is hurting families all over America. You get the justice you can pay for and often the best liar wins. If you don't lie, you have an uphill battle, and if you don't have money for zealous representation, you have almost no chance of prevailing.
Lydia has learned that the judges at the trial court level can do anything they want. Even if you win on appeal, before the appeal decision is announced the adversaries can start up a new case and render the appeals decision moot. Every family in America is at risk unless we challenge these abuses of authority and other injustices.
Although CASA and DCS (known as CPS or other names in different states) have been involved in Dilara's case based on false child abuse allegations (actually spanking and homeschooling were the official reasons why the CASA referrral was made), nobody has advocated for the child. Even a GAL who was appointed and who stayed on the case even when it was shown that Lydia had not abused nor neglected Dilara did not advocate for the child, but was simply an extra lawyer for the father. Nothing that has happened to Dilara because of court intervention has been in the child's best interest
Lydia has committed herself to fight to restore and maintain judicial accountability, especially as it relates to children and families. This experience has not left either Dilara nor Lydia unchanged and they both want to prevail over the injustice and to what they can to keep other families from suffering this kind of tragedy. We need to all work together to spread awareness and to force change.
The people, not the president, have the power to make this country great again and it will never happen as long as people are allowed to prey on children in the court system.Save
I did get attorneys to cover my custody modification trial in 2016-2018, but I am without representation now. Connie Reguli and Cynthia Cheatham did an awesome job of arguing the law and getting all the evidence admitted so that there was an excellent record preserved for a win on appeal, but the Judge, Sheila Calloway, is attempting to omit from the record all testimony or evidence that contradicts her "findings of fact". WHAT I SAY IS TRUE. And I am sharing the proof publicly, and i am being retaliated for
If I can reinstate my mortgage, my payments will be lower than most one-bedroom apartments. I can stay close to downtown as I fight to defend the Constitution and also to get my daughter out of court-ordered captivity so she can enjoy relationships with both parents again.
I am keeping this old picture up...The picture is of Dilara and my older daughter (different dads), Callie Hubbell, who is a senior at Vanderbilt, and who has also been cut out of Dilara's life, not by court order, but by Dilara's father. Dilara's brother, Noah, is in his second year at the University of Minnesota, and he is allowed no contact either.
My story is long and complicated (they complicate it on purpose), but the short and simple version is that I am an excellent mother, I have never harmed nor endangered any of my children and all of my children did very well when in my primary care. Dilara was enjoying a very stable life until her father was allowed to cut me out. No 10 year old should have to spend years begging to be reunited with family members, and despairing to the point of saying she wants to die and begging people to kill her because she misses me so much.
At some point, I might be able to file a civil lawsuit, but all I really want is to be able to pick up the shattered pieces of our lives and help my family heal from this trauma that never should have even started, and wouldn't have if the lawyers, judges, and state and county employees were doing their jobs.
My whole case is on the internet. There have been so many lies told about me and erroneous "findings of fact" that I have publicly shared the accusations and the proof that shows that this whole case is malicious abuse of process and civil rights retaliation.
I will answer any questions anybody might have to the best of my ability. I have not got all the answers, but I know I am somebody who is fighting a battle most people would not or could not. I can't see this awful truth and turn my head. I have to believe that anybody who understood what I am fighting and how important it is would support me in any way they can.
I have had a lot of support, but I need more--financial and otherwise.. And "the system" needs to know that in Tennessee and in America, the average citizen, like me, believes that we all deserve more liberty and justice than we might be able to pay for.
If you want to see what they took my daughter from, see www.dilarasnaturestudyandblog.weebly.com or look through my photo albums on my Lydia Hubbell or Lydia A Hubbell facebook pages. Most of my court drama is on the Lydia A Hubbell and I have a lot of "friends" on that profile that are in similar situations as me. I am fighting for judicial accountability and family integrity.
If you can't donate, please share with anybody who might appreciate my efforts to defend Liberty and Justice. Freedom really isn't free and my daughter has, at this point, spent a 12 1/2 month period, a 9 1/2 month period, and, now, a 7 month period (which will almost surely be indefinite as long as the judge thinks she can continue to get away with her arbitrary abuse of power) since June 15, 2015. This is all about a father who does not want to share "possession" (as he calls it) of our child. My child is not a trophy. And I only hope she lives through this. 10 year olds can and do commit suicide. Does anyone think that what my daughter is going through is less painful than being bullied in the schoolyard? I don't just need financial help, I need help getting Dilara's story told and I need people complaining and filing formal complaints against these judges and lawyers and state employees. Tell everyone, please. This picture is my brother, Tod Missick, my son Noah Hubbell, me , and my 2 lovely daughters, Dilara Gider and Callie Hubbell. This was on an UNLAWFULLY ORDERED "supervised" visit. Jan. 11, 2018. We are all 100 percent cut out of Dilara's life by Dilara's father. He is Turkish and has NO FAMILY here. Dilara is cut off from her aunts, cousins, grandparents, "old friends" and EVERYONE. Please help me bring an end to this madness. Court-ordered child abuse and other oppression should NEVER be tolerated. Especially not in MY sity and MY state and MY country. Every Nashvillian, Tennessean, and American should be outrated.

### (old "story" from this campaign)
"As of March 9, 2017, my legal fees owed have risen to about $6,500, and that is after applying the donations that have been received and paid. If I had not been able to collect donations to put up a retainer, I doubt that I would ever have been allowed to have any consistent, meaningful contact with my daughter. No fit, competent, nurturing parent, or even "average" parent should have to pay tens of thousands of dollars into "the system" just to exercise their fundamental liberty interests and to be able to have a close and continuing relationship with their child. This kind of manipulation of the legal system by emotionally disturbed parents (I'm not the emotionally disturbed one, as I respect and support my child's relationship with her father) and their unscrupulous attorneys (like Sarah Reist Digby, Digby Family Law) goes on far more often than most people would imagine and few people are able to fight for years, as I have. My focus is getting my daughter back into my life for my fair share of parenting time, but I am also fighting against the corruption that allowed me to be ripped out of her life in the first place."--Lydia Hubbell
Dilara Gider an 8 year-old second-grader in Nashville, Tennessee is in desperate need of your help. The entire family (Mother Lydia Hubbell, half-sister Callie Hubbell and half-brother Noah Hubbell) has not been together since Mother's Day of 2015 because of abusive misuse of the legal system by Dilara's father and his attorney Sarah Reist, Reist & Maples, Nashville, Tennessee.
No, he isn't a monster, he got caught up in a situation he wasn't prepared for and it is likely that he is simply suffering from an adjustment disorder, like Dilara's mother did. She tried for years to get him to get help, like like did, but wasn't interested. People should never hire lawyers when they really need a good therapist. Or Jesus.
Dilara's family bears absolutely no ill will towards him. The hope is that the court will correct it's mistake and that he will simply stop going down this wrong road and focus on meeting Dilara's needs and stop attacking Dilara's mother. Dilara has two good parents and she should have equal access to both of them.
Details below and email me if you have any questions.

"This was our first visit together after over a year of no contact due to her father's fraudulent misuse of an Order of Protection issued by Judge Phillip Robinson, Third Circuit Court, Davidson County, Tennessee. Dilara's father and his unscrupluous attorney, Sarah Reist circumvented the custody and visitation order in Juvenile Court by going to Third Circuit to a new judge who knew nothing of the case. The lies told in Sarah's opening statement unfairly prejudiced Judge Robinson against me, and I had less "credibility" anyway since I did not have an attorney representing me."--Lydia A. Hubbell, Dilara's mom
Who will benefit from this campaign?
Immediately, Dilara Gider and her loved ones.
A victory over corruption in the family court system is a victory for every parent and child and for every American who values freedom and justice and who believes that children's needs are paramount and the desires of the parents are secondary.
This campaign will encourage judicial accountability and family integrity in Nashville, Tennessee, and all over the country. It is true that, "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere." Your donation will contribute to the fight against injustice.
What will the funds be used for?
All funds will go directly for legal expenses to secure Dilara's right to enjoy equal access to both her mother and father, as she did for the first 5 1/2 years of her life until her father decided to cut Dilara off from her mother and the family members, friends, neighbors, pets, church, and other people and experiences that Dilara had been blessed with during her mother's 185 days a year of parenting time.
Dilara's mother went from having 185 days of parenting time to zero days of parenting time, which is contrary to all relevant laws and even common sense. It is in the child's best interest and the law requires that Dilara's time with her mother be restored, but it won't happen unless there is a lawyer fighting for justice.
Dilara has been damaged emotionally from this court-ordered abuse and has complained to her father, her counselor, and mother (during a few hours of supervised visits) that being cut off from her mother has made her feel worried and sad and angry at her father for keeping her from her mother. She has told him that she "acts bad" at school because she needs her mother. After being cut off from her mother in June of 2015, she has been disruptive and violent, even to the point of breaking her teacher's foot and biting another adult to the point that the skin was broken, and other behavior that led to 6 days of suspension in less than the first six months of this, her second-grade school year.
The courts should not be used to create emotionally damaged children who can be expected to grow into emotionally damaged adults without someone intervening to ensure that a child's needs are met.
Dilara has explained to her father that she is grumpy and irritable at school because she can't sleep at night because she misses her mom and feels worried and sad and cries in her bed. He has shown that he does not care about her emotional needs, nor about how her "acting out" affects the teachers and classmates at her school.
Dilara's mother, Lydia A Hubbell has been fighting for justice for her family for 2 1/2 years and expect the battle to be won within the next few months if she can keep up with the legal fees that the other side has run up by filing frivolous pleadings and rescheduling hearings or striking motions at the last minute, or doing whatever possible to cause delay and run up cost that everyone knows Lydia cannot pay without begging for help from others.
Dilara wants what she had before court interference. She wants to have a peace, security, and maximum participation of both parents in her life, and her educational needs met in the best way possible--in a homeschool administered by her mother.
Lydia has shared some of her story on Youtube, most briefly in this video (please read info in the description)
You may find her on Facebook at Facebook Lydia A Hubbell
Lydia is willing to answer any questions or concerns anyone might have about the merits of her case.
How soon are the funds needed?
We need $3,000 by January 27, 2017 to cover an arrearage with Connie Reguli, the attorney who is working towards restoring Dilara to her mother's primary care. There will be a major hearing Feb. 10 that will require additional funds. The $5,000 posted is an estimate of what will be needed to cover the arrearage and contribute to preparation for the Feb. 10 hearing. Connie's law firm is Law Care Family Law Center
Connie was first retained by Dilara's mother several months ago to prevent Dilara's father and his attorney, Sarah Reist, from extending a fraudlently-obtained order of protection that was used to cut Dilara off from all contact with her mother from June 15, 2015 to June 15, 2016 .
Dilara's mother, Lydia, has appealed the current custody order, but Dilara's father and his attorney, Sarah Reist, have filed a new petition, despite the current order gives Dilara's father 365 days a year of parenting time, and Lydia zero. The purpose of the new petition is to make Lydia's pending appeal moot. This is the kind of abuse of the legal process that needs to be recognized and stopped.
What is the background?
Lydia has mostly represented herself in civil court matters as she cannot afford an attorney on her SSDI income. Lydia has several health problems that have left her unable to engage in substantial gainful activity for the past 15 years or so and this fact was one that was used to restrict Dilara's time with her mother. Dilara's father has enormous financial resources in comparison. Lydia, whose professional background and education has primarily been in the field of childcare and who has been a full-time homemaker and mother for the past 19 years, has had no choice but to slog her own way through the family court system to defend her family.
Lydia has lost 2 custody trials and a contempt trial (for violating an unlawful gag order by exposing the abuse) in Juvenile Court and unsuccessfully opposed an abusive and fraudulently obtained order of protection in Third Circuit Court, but has 3 appeals pending in the Court of Appeals. The appeals court judges review for error and will set thimgs right eventually.
Lydia has also been vindicated in criminal court of false charges by Dilara's father that resulted in Lydia's four arrests in the past 18 months or so. The favorable resolution of all these cases was accomplished only through the zealous representation of Nashville's Public Defenders, Adam Pienciak in particular. The prosecutors don't seem to care if someone is guilty or not, they seem to either want a conviction or a plea bargain, regardless of the facts of the case. The crimnal court system is also unfair to the financially disadvantaged. And perjury seems to never be punished, therefore, it is indulged in on a regular basis, which hurts everyone.
Prior to Lydia's experience in the legal system, she was under the false impression that parents had to have harmed their children or done something wrong to lose custody or parenting time and people didn't get arrested unless they had broken a law.
There has never been any child abuse or neglect, or any threat to Dilara's well-being while in her Mother's care. The whole court case has been based on lies, misrepresentations and disregard of all relevant fact and law. Dilara wants and needs both of her parents involved in her life to the greatest extent possible, which is what she enjoyed for the first 5 1/2 years of her life until her father asked the court to intervene in her happy and stable life.
How helping in this case will help others.
This kind of family court corruption is hurting families all over America. You get the justice you can pay for and often the best liar wins. If you don't lie, you have an uphill battle, and if you don't have money for zealous representation, you have almost no chance of prevailing.
Lydia has learned that the judges at the trial court level can do anything they want. Even if you win on appeal, before the appeal decision is announced the adversaries can start up a new case and render the appeals decision moot. Every family in America is at risk unless we challenge these abuses of authority and other injustices.
Although CASA and DCS (known as CPS or other names in different states) have been involved in Dilara's case based on false child abuse allegations (actually spanking and homeschooling were the official reasons why the CASA referrral was made), nobody has advocated for the child. Even a GAL who was appointed and who stayed on the case even when it was shown that Lydia had not abused nor neglected Dilara did not advocate for the child, but was simply an extra lawyer for the father. Nothing that has happened to Dilara because of court intervention has been in the child's best interest
Lydia has committed herself to fight to restore and maintain judicial accountability, especially as it relates to children and families. This experience has not left either Dilara nor Lydia unchanged and they both want to prevail over the injustice and to what they can to keep other families from suffering this kind of tragedy. We need to all work together to spread awareness and to force change.
The people, not the president, have the power to make this country great again and it will never happen as long as people are allowed to prey on children in the court system.Save
Lydia A Hubbell
Nashville-Davidson, TN