Canada for Wuhan - Coronavirus Relief
This campaign for Wuhan is now closed.
Please go to https://www.gofundme.com/f/support-canadian-healthcare-workers to donate in support of Canadian Healthcare Workers.
March 10, 2020: This campaign is now closed. A final report will be provided upon withdrawal of the funds from the platform.
March 2,2020: A heartfelt thank you to everyone who has kindly donated here and through other channels. Please be advised that this campaign will conclude by the end of Sunday, March 9, 2020.
February 28, 2020: Our second and third shipments have both arrived at their destinations this week, Huangshi and Huanggang, Hubei Province.
Any additional funds raised will be used to purchase positive pressured respiratory systems for front line healthcare workers in China.
February 17, 2020: The second batch of medical supplies we purchased, 24,000 medical exam gloves, left Toronto via Hainan Airlines for China. The destination is Huangshi, Hubei. Our shipping operations have been greatly assisted by our partner, PKU Canada.
Our next batch of medical supplies will be shipped to Huanggang, Hubei. The shipment will include 1250 coveralls, 46,000 gloves, 500 masks and 250 protective goggles.
As of February 13, 2020, we used up all the funds raised through this platform and other channels, totalling approximately $58,000.
Any additional funds raised will be used in a new project in partnership with BMDAC, to purchase ECMO (Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation) machines, life saving "breathing machines," and positive pressured respiratory systems, the highest-level protective suits.
February 11, 2020: The 2250 protective coveralls we shipped arrived in Wuhan and were received by Wuhan Union Hospital and Wuhan Tongji Hospital. These protective suits were purchased when we had not raised sufficient funds. We thank MIT CEO for providing $12,000 to fill the shortage for this purchase.
What happened:
It's Lunar New Year in China, normally the most important time to gather and celebrate with family and friends. But instead, a fast-spreading coronavirus is outbreaking in Wuhan, a central city in China, which has quickly traveled to many other regions in China.
By January 27th, over 2,000 people have been infected, and 56 people died. Authorities and health care workers struggle to contain the outbreak.
Donate to meet urgent needs:
Hospitals in Wuhan are experiencing a dramatic increase in confirmed cases each day, and health care workers are working day and night to treat them. Multiple hospitals have reported low stock on medical supplies.
The province can only produce 8 Million surgical masks, 2 million protective suits, and 1,200 infrared thermometers by the end of January, which is far from what's needed to address the outbreak. Many medical staff have to skip meals and washroom breaks to save their protective suits from change.
Campaign initiation:
CPAC has been watching the recent coronavirus situation in China with great concern and has been searching for ways to support the people in the affected area. Knowing that China has opened up to accept overseas donations, CPAC immediately started to gather donations to help with the medical supply shortage in Wuhan and other affected areas.
Fund usage:
Funds raised will be used for the purchase of much needed medical supplies, such as respirators, protective suits, and safety goggles. A final report of the purchase orders will be provided to the public with an audited financial statement.
About CPAC:
CPAC (formerly Chinese Professionals Association of Canada) was first founded in 1992 as a federally registered not-for-profit organization. Its mandate is to assist internationally trained professionals in gaining recognition, cultural integration, career advancement, civic engagement in Canada, and expanding international opportunities through quality service and advocacy.
WEBSITE: https://www.cpac-canada.ca/
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<<<注意>>>:进入捐款页面后“tip option" 可点击下拉菜单,根据您的情况选择金额。$0 请选择 “Other” 并输入$0
线下捐款请至:加拿大中国专业人士协会办公室(4150 Finch Ave. East Scarborough M1S3T9)
问询电话:416-298-7885 分机101
加拿大中国专业人士协会(CPAC)是在加拿大联邦政府注册的非牟利组织,目前已吸引 30,000 多名海外专业人士加入成为会员。成立27年来,协会秉承维护移民专业人士利益的宗旨, 全方位提供专业培训, 就业及发展服务,被公认为是组织规范、制度健全、最具代表性和覆盖面的大型团体之一,备受加拿大社会各界瞩目。