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Sunday, August 25, 2024 Update

MUSC TRIP POSTPONED ☹– We unfortunately have had to postpone today’s MUSC trip and Monday’s eye specialist appointment to evaluate surgery options to correct Cindy’s double vision. There were two factors that contributed to this decision:

PAIN - Cindy’s back pain and overall body pain increased with every passing day this week, and the pain wouldn’t lessen, making every day a real challenge let alone a long trip and specialist appointment. We have rescheduled the appointment for October, and will keep you posted.

RECENT DONATIONS INTENDED FOR THE TRIP WERE NEEDED FOR MEDICAL DEBT - This week the hospital surprised me with a request that I make a large payment to reduce the high balance that has accumulated from the expensive Evenity shots, MRI scans, and doctor visits. Because of this and other unexpected expenses, we are unable to pay for the trip and appointment.

In God’s sovereignty, this trip was not to be taken today. We were hoping that Cindy’s double vision could soon be corrected, but we are at peace that God’s timing is perfect, and His plans for us are good.

FOR PRAYER: Cindy will have her 8th Evenity series of shots this Thursday, August 29. CONTINUE TO PRAY that these shots will encourage bone growth and reverse Cindy’s osteoporosis so she can have back surgery.

We covet your continued prayers and donations to encourage and support us in this difficult health and financial journey.

Please share our need with everyone you know!

NOTE: See previous updates below for options to donate other than GoFundMe.

THANK YOU for your love, you prayers, and your loving donations. May God bless you abundantly in return!

With DEEPEST gratitude,
Jon Simmons on behalf of Cindy

August 19, 2024 Update - Eye surgery evaluation on August 26

DOUBLE VISION SURGERY EVALUATION: Besides persevering through daily chronic pain, Cindy has also had to push through the daily challenge of double vision that is progressively worsening, making it difficult to see her phone, read scripture, watch TV, see scenery, etc.

We covet your prayers as we travel to Charleston for an appointment with a specialist next Monday, August 26 to determine if surgery to correct the double vision is possible.

We will need to travel on Sunday to stay overnight in a hotel because a 4-hour round trip plus appointment on Monday would create too much pain from her broken back.

8TH SERIES OF OSTEOPOROSIS SHOTS: On August 29 Cindy will have her 8th series of 12 Evenity shots, to God-willing continue to reverse her osteoporosis so she can have back surgery. Keep praying for successful bone growth!

PHYSICAL THERAPY: She has yet to have her first evaluation with the new type of Physical Therapy recommended by her neurosurgeon. I'll keep you posted.

PRAY, SHARE, GIVE, PLEASE: We're eternally grateful for your prayers, and we ask again that you prayerfully consider sharing our need with your network, and, consider donating toward these new Charleston trip expenses, Cindy's ongoing medical bills and expenses, and our daily, difficult-to-meet, living expenses.

Cash App: $jcslegacy1
Zelle: use my cell# [phone redacted]
Check: 108 Whitewater Dr, Irmo, SC 29063

We remain DEEPLY grateful for your ongoing, loving partnership and support. What an encouragement you have been to Cindy and me in this journey!! May God bless you richly in return!!

With profound thanks and love,

Jon Simmons on behalf of Cindy

****** (previous updates):
July 25, 2024 - Update of Cindy's July 23 Neurosurgeon second opinion appointment:

The neurosurgeon said that, unfortunately, due to the displaced L4 vertebrae, the only option to relieve Cindy's pain from her broken back, is surgery with rods and screws. He confirmed no other out-patient type of surgery will relieve her pain. :(

The obstacle of course, is Cindy's advanced osteoporosis. The neurosurgeon will be consulting with Cindy's current bone health doctor to try to get a new bone density scan soon, to check the progress the Evenity shots and her doctor-prescribed supplements have made in reversing her osteoporosis. We'll keep you posted.

He made two referrals:
1) to a specialist trained in a newer kind of physical therapy that hopefully can relieve her back pain... Cindy will have an eval appointment on August 7.
2) to a new pain specialist, to explore other pain relieving therapies.

It's a bit overwhelming for Cindy since she's so weak, can hardly walk, and each trip causes pain.

We covet your continued prayers!
  • Pray for God's peace for Cindy with this latest news, for daily grace to persevere through pain, and for His healing according to His will.
  • Pray that I can be the support and encouragement she needs every day. She's my champion!!
  • Pray for God's provision for these additional medical costs.

Please share our fundraiser with your friends, and please help us with our many financial needs as God leads. Note: There are other payment options below:

May God bless you for your love, your support, and your sacrificial giving thus far!!

With deepest gratitude,
Jon Simmons, for Cindy

Cash App: $jcslegacy1
Zelle: use my cell# [phone redacted]
Check: 108 Whitewater Dr, Irmo, SC 29063

July 17, 2024 Update – CINDY AND JON URGENT NEED

THANK YOU! Since the end of June you have generously given $3,495 toward medical bills and expenses through both the GoFundMe website and through checks sent by mail (included in the total). That’s 55% of our goal of reversing Cindy’s Osteoporosis so she can have back surgery, and helping us stay afloat financially after leaving my employment to come home to take care of Cindy full-time.

OVER $4,300 MEDICAL EXPENSES IN THE NEXT 6 WEEKS! Between now and the end of August we will be facing a total of over $4,300 in total medical expenses because of the addition of several new specialist visits, new doctor requested procedures, and trip expenses to take Cindy to see an eye surgeon in MUSC (Medical University of South Carolina in Charleston), to name a few. This total includes these new expenses, 2 rounds of expensive shots to reverse Osteoporosis, along with the many other ongoing medical expenses listed in earlier updates.

GIVE, PLEASE: We need your help! Will you please prayerfully consider making a donation to help us? The combined medical expenses through August will far exceed our income after paying normal household utilities, mortgage, loans, food, etc.

SHARE: Please share our need with your friends and encourage them to share as well!

Cash App: $jcslegacy1
Zelle: use my cell# [phone redacted]
Check: 108 Whitewater Dr, Irmo, SC 29063

We know each gift is sacrificial in this horrible economy, and we don’t take any gift, big or small, for granted. We are so grateful for your sacrifice, and pray God will return your gift back to you many times over!!

KEEP PRAYING that God will restore Cindy’s bone density, that the referred neurosurgeon in August will discover why Cindy can hardly lift her feet to walk, that the other specialist can find answers to Cindy’s chronic pain and fatigue, that the MUSC surgeon can discover an answer to Cindy's double-vision, and pray that God will give daily peace, strength, perseverance, wisdom and provision in this new part of His plan for us.

Don't hesitate to call for questions and further updates,

With deepest gratitude,
Jon Simmons on behalf of Cindy

P.S. We pray this song sent to us by a donor friend will minister to you deeply, as it did to us.
GOD IS WITH US – by the Afters. YouTube link:

June 29, 2024 update

Dear friends,

We need your prayers and financial donations even more now than when I started this GoFundMe fundraiser for Cindy 6 months ago!

CINDY NEEDS YOUR HELP -- The goal to help Cindy have back surgery hasn’t changed, but the monthly expenses for shots, doctors, tests, treatments, supplies and required supplements all continue to increase!

I NEED YOUR HELP, SO I CAN HELP CINDY – Because I had to leave my employment as a banker and Music Director to come home to take care of Cindy full-time, the huge, sudden loss of income has created a hardship, to say the least. I am not able to work outside the home because of Cindy’s worsening condition, and our Social Security income is not sufficient to cover the medical debt plus the growing household expenses, and our debt is increasing quickly.

It is apparent that our original GoFundMe goal of $16,000 is not adequate. I have raised the fundraising goal to $29,000 because of these growing needs.


PRAISE the Lord, Cindy has completed 6 of the 12 Evenity shots that promote bone growth to reverse her Osteoporosis so she can Lord willing have back surgery next year! She’s half-way there!! Then she will have an infusion that helps prevent bone loss.

Unfortunately, Cindy’s back pain continues to increase. Because she is now having great difficulty walking, her surgeon has ordered 4 new MRIs and has referred Cindy to a Neurosurgeon for a second opinion.

The MRI’s have now been completed, but the soonest we can meet with the neuro specialist is not until July 23! Pray that Cindy can get in sooner!

THANK YOU for your prayers, your sacrificial donations, your love, your encouragement! Will you please consider helping us again right now, and share this update with your friends? May God bless you for standing by Cindy and me!


> Venmo:
> Cash App: $jcslegacy1
> Zelle: use my cell# [phone redacted]
> PayPal: or use my email: [email redacted]
> Check: 108 Whitewater Dr, Irmo, SC 29063

THANK YOU! We are grateful beyond words!!

Jon, on behalf of Cindy


Update May 1, 2024


I want to begin by THANKING YOU for your generous donations that have brought us to within $3,600 of our initial goal! Here's the latest urgent update:

• Cindy is in month 4 of 12 months of Evenity shots and prescribed supplements proven in 1-year studies to improve bone density. She is scheduled for a follow-up appointment with her spine surgeon in a few weeks to review the progress of bone growth, and, God-willing, discuss surgery in 2025. The Evenity shots unfortunately cause deep pain for several days, which is tough to endure. Cindy’s shots are 28 days apart.
• Cindy’s pain sadly is worse than when we first started this fund, and her mobility is steadily getting worse. She now has to spend most of the day in bed resting, to alleviate the pain from her broken back.

• As promised, I have used all your donations thus far to pay for the monthly shot expense not covered by insurance, for medical debt, doctor visits, therapies, treatments, prescribed supplements, and daily, necessary personal and medical supplies.
Now we need your help again! After leaving my Personal Banker job at Wells Fargo, and my church Music Director job at White Rock Baptist Church to come home and take care of Cindy full-time, our Social Security income alone is not sufficient to pay for bills AND Cindy’s continuing medical expenses described above

*** With GoFundMe donations now depleted, without your help there are upcoming obligations that I will not be able to pay for in May. ***

PAYMENT OPTIONS: While GoFundMe is a great way to help, some have asked for other ways to help us because of GoFundMe’s fees:

1) CASHAPP Mobile App -- there are no fees to send cash to another person, after loading cash from your bank account into your CashApp. This is a great option if you don't want to use Zelle (option 2).

My cashtag is: $jcslegacy1

2) USING ZELLE in your bank app or bank website:
Zelle is also a quick, convenient, and safe way to send money, almost instantly, directly from your bank account to our bank account, from the comfort of your home.
(NOTE: If you have not used Zelle before, call your bank and they can easily guide you in the setup and choice of which bank account to use, or, call or text me at my phone # below).
Zelle Directions: On your mobile phone or online, log into your bank. Search for Zelle (it’s usually in the area where you pay bills, transfer money, etc).
1) Click “Send”,
2) enter my phone number (803) [phone redacted],
3) confirm my name, Jonathan Simmons,
4) type in the $ amount you want to send ($500 might be the daily limit)
5) confirm the amount, then
6) click "Send".

Your donation will deposit into my bank account almost immediately.

Our address is 108 Whitewater Dr, Irmo, SC 29063

Thank you again for your continued prayers and all your donations thus far. Thank you now for prayerfully considering helping us again in this critical time! We are deeply grateful!

Please share with your network!

May God bless you richly in return for your faithful prayers, and for your loving donations!!

Deeply grateful
Jon Simmons, on behalf of Cindy

Original Post:
As you may know, in August 2021 Cindy fainted, fell, and broke her back. I have started this fundraiser because Cindy now needs back surgery, but there's an urgent need.

After MRIs and X-rays were completed, Cindy's spine surgeon said the only way to correct the badly misaligned vertebrae and fix the 2 compressed vertebrae would be to do surgery, but he wanted to first see if other protocols would help. In 2022 she endured steroid shots, physical therapy, and back braces. To our dismay, none of the standard protocols brought any relief.

Then in January 2023 Cindy and I both came down with a (second!) nasty strain of COVID-19. Cindy's weakness, and her pain, increased even more.

Because of the escalating pain and difficulty walking, in April Cindy met with her surgeon to get his opinion. The scans and X-rays he ordered brought bad news: Cindy had advanced osteoporosis (porous bones). Her surgeon declined to do the back surgery until Cindy's bones could be strengthened, which he said would take many months. How disappointing! :(

He referred Cindy to a bone health specialist.


1) MEDICINE NOT COVERED BY INSURANCE: Cindy’s bone health specialist chose a specific drug with proven success in building bone over time, but sadly, this chosen osteoporosis medicine is not covered by our insurance. Financial assistance has also not been available from the drug manufacturer or the foundations they recommended.

• I was diagnosed with long-term COVID-19 and had to go on 6 months of short-term disability leave from my banker job. During this time, I sadly had to resign from my part-time job as Music Director at a local church due to shortness of breath, fatigue, and income restrictions while on short-term disability.
• Cindy’s mobility rapidly worsened, and by the fall she could no longer take care of her basic needs. On August 25, 2023, it became necessary for me to resign from the full-time banker job I loved, to stay home to care for Cindy, whom I love most!
• We’re grateful for Social Security. However, the significant loss of 2 incomes makes it impossible for us to afford the medicine denied by insurance, or the ongoing therapies and expensive supplements.

WE NEED YOUR HELP! Your prayers for Cindy and your donations are urgently needed over the coming months to help us pay for the medicine and the therapies that can reverse Cindy’s osteoporosis so Cindy can have back surgery.

Some have asked for a secondary way to donate in a quicker way:
  • Zelle is a mobile app that is part of your bank transfers. You can use Zelle to transfer money from your bank to any bank that also uses Zelle. This is quick (usually completed in minutes), and secure.
  • Set up: Choose the Zelle settings icon, choose your preferred bank account to use, and choose your phone number as your "ID"
  • Add me (Jon Simmons) as a contact in your phone, if not done already
  • Send your donation to my cell phone # (803) [phone redacted].

Thank you for prayerfully considering Cindy's need. Share with your friends! :)

With deep gratitude,

Jon Simmons

 GoFundMe Giving Guarantee

This fundraiser mentions donating through another platform, but please know that only donations made on GoFundMe are protected by the GoFundMe Giving Guarantee.



  • LINDA McCallister
    • $1,000
    • 2 mos
  • Anonymous
    • $500
    • 2 mos
  • Wayne Phaneuf
    • $75
    • 2 mos
  • Steve Ward
    • $50
    • 2 mos
  • Anonymous
    • $100
    • 2 mos


Jon Simmons
Irmo, SC

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