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Dr. M.G. Prasad Memorial

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On early November 25, 2019, my father and Hindu community scholar and figurehead Dr. M.G. Prasad suddenly passed away from a respiratory attack. In addition to teaching and speaking on various topics, one of his fiercest passions was for books. Over his lifetime he has amassed a voluminous collection of books that we wish to catalogue and memorialize in some fashion, either by creating a library collection or partnering with an existing institution to create one.

A sample of our dad's book collection.

It is our hope as surviving family members that his books serve the community in an accessible and respectful manner.  To acknowledge his love of nature, we would like to plant a tree in his honor in his adopted hometown of Maplewood, NJ. Finally a memorial website will be built at “mgprasad.com” which will include pictures, video and audio of his many lectures over the years.

Collected funds will be used for these purposes, and will be received by and managed by myself, my brother Raju and my mother, Geetha Prasad.

Update: site at http://www.mgprasad.com is live !


  • Anonym
    • $50
    • 4 yrs


Teju Prasad
Maplewood, NJ

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