YES! Emergence and Resurgence
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YES! has the honor of working with thousands of amazing social change agents from around the world. We connect, inspire and collaborate with multigenerational leaders to join forces for thriving, just and regenerative ways of life for all. YES! works at the meeting point of personal, interpersonal, and systemic transformation, through our ground-breaking YES! Jams. With 8 Jams already completed this year, and over 10 more to come, we invite your support to fulfill our goals this year.
The theme of Emergence and Resurgence feels especially resonant right now. We are calling upon the wisdom we have cultivated over our 32 years of existence to listen deeply and bring to life what is needed now. We are honing in on the core values of the Jams, practicing profound tools of transformation, supporting a diversity of change-makers, integrating into new contexts and communities, healing, liberating, learning, growing, every step of the way. We are meeting this profound moment with presence -- inviting what is desired to vibrantly come forth and what has been dormant to flourish once again.
We aim to raise $30,000 this month, which will go towards supporting scholarships for participants in Zoomy Jam and in-person Jams, convening Jam alumni, and further developing our podcasts and other tools to cross-pollinate learning. With your support, we will be able to generate new programs, strengthen Jam leadership teams, build out our networks of collective wisdom, and more. Through it all, we stand strong in our commitment of co-creating a world worthy of all of life.
Any and every donation is meaningful. Thank you for your support!
Any and every donation is meaningful. Thank you for your support!
Here are additional ways you can help us towards Emergence and Resurgence:
1.) Learn more about our work in the first half of our program year. Check out our midyear report. Please share it with your friends.
2.) Share our campaign with your friends, colleagues, families, and more, to help us reach our goal. Set up a social media share like a love letter addressed to the Jam, a blog, photo story, video, or poem, about why you Jam and why you are supporting the campaign.
3.) Donate your change . We've partnered with RoundUp to make it even easier to support Jams. Securely add a debit or credit card and the change from every transaction will be donated to YES! It only takes a minute to sign up, and you can cap the monthly amount you want to give. Monthly commitments allow us to spend less time fundraising, think longer-term, and make an even bigger impact. Thank you!
4.) Listen to Season Three of the Always On podcast and share our other storytelling and visionary media -- like our short films, graphic recording postcard project, music and poetry project, weekly newsletter, and more.
4.) Listen to Season Three of the Always On podcast and share our other storytelling and visionary media -- like our short films, graphic recording postcard project, music and poetry project, weekly newsletter, and more.
Whatever you can offer in this time is a gift. Thank you from our hearts and from Jammers around the world.
Love, hugs and deep bows of gratitude for each of you!
Love, hugs and deep bows of gratitude for each of you!
Shilpa Jain
Berkeley, CA
Youth for Environmental Sanity