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George & Ann Taylor Memorial Scholarship

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Our hearts are heavy as George and Ann have passed.

They were a vibrant, gentle, and loving couple who have touched our hearts so deeply. We are all so fortunate to have had such amazing people in our lives.

We LOVE you.

Sadly, because we no longer need funds to assist with prolonged medical and rehabilitation care, we would like to honor their commitment to making the world a better place.Ann Taylor wished to have her body donated to science, but due to the circumstances, this was unable to happen.The donations collected here, will be used to create a memorial fund in George and Ann's name, for an educational scholarship, in the field of medicine.

**In lieu of flowers, please consider donating**

George and Ann Taylor are on life support following a physical assault during a home invasion on Tuesday, September 2nd, 2014. We continue to pray for a full and complete recovery and are patiently waiting for tests to reveal what recovery will entail. While we remain optimistic that George and Ann can heal, we are also realistic in knowing their recovery will be long and involve extensive rehabilitation services. George and Ann's family are grateful for the doctors and staff at the hospitals (they had been admitted to 2 different trauma hospitals) who continue to do everything they can to keep George and Ann on a path to recovery. They are also grateful for the Heroes that tried to help George and Ann. These Heroes paid the ultimate sacrifice - their life. We will continue to pray for their families as they struggle with the traumatic loss of their loved ones. After much discussion, George and Ann's families have agreed to accept financial donations to cover medical expenses and rehabilitation costs for George and Ann. Thank you for all your continued thoughts and prayers. Michelle Laubenstein, EdDFor more information:http://www.kctv5.com/story/26460861/susan-choucroun-laid-to-rest-as-taylor-family-thanks-supportershttp://m.kmbc.com/news/couple-fight-for-survival-after-south-kc-shootings/27866932http://www.usnews.com/news/us/articles/2014/09/03/police-3-killed-2-hurt-in-kansas-city-shootings



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    • $25
    • 10 yrs


Michelle Laubenstein
Kansas City, MO

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