Help Ljubivoje (Cule) Petric's Family with Funeral Expenses
Donation protected
Dear Friends,
It is with heavy hearts that we share the devastating news of the passing of our dear friend and colleague, Ljubivoje (Cule) Petric. Ljubivoje, fondly known as Cule, passed away unexpectedly during the night in his truck. For the past 4 years, he has been a dedicated and valued member of the Atlas SN Holding family.
Cule was more than just an exceptional driver; he was a man who prioritized his family above all else. His love and devotion to his family were evident in everything he did. Now, in this time of immense grief, we want to show his family just how much he meant to us and how much we care for them.
We are setting up this GoFundMe campaign to support Cule’s family during this incredibly difficult time. The funds raised will help cover funeral expenses, provide financial assistance, and offer some peace of mind as they navigate the challenging days ahead.
We hope to honor his memory by extending the same support and compassion to his family that he so selflessly gave to others.
Please consider making a donation, no matter how small, to help Cule’s family. Your generosity will make a meaningful difference and provide much-needed relief during this heartbreaking period.
Thank you for your support, thoughts, and prayers.
With gratitude,
The Atlas SN Holding Family
Dragi prijatelji,
Teška srca prenosimo tužnu vest o smrti našeg dragog prijatelja I kolege Ljubivoja Petrića. Ljubivoje, od milja zvani Ćule, preminuo je iznenada tokom noći u svom kamionu. Poslednje 4 godine bio je posvećen I cenjen član porodice Atlas SN Holding.
Ćule je bio više nego jedan izuzetan vozač; bio je čovek kome je porodica bila prioritet pre svega. Njegova ljubav I privrženost porodici bili su očigledni u svemu što je radio. Sada u vreme ogromne tuge, želimo da pokažemo njegovoj porodici koliko je on nama značio I koliko nam je stalo do njih.
Pokrecemo GoFundMe kampanju kako bi podržali Ćuletovu porodicu tokom ovog neverovatno teškog perioda. Prikupljena sredstva će pomoći da se pokriju troškovi sahrane, pruži finansijska I emotivna pomoć porodici u teškim danima koji su pred njima. Nadamo se da ćemo odati počast njegovom sećanju pružajuci istu podršku I saocećanje njegovoj porodici, istu počast koju je on isto tako nesebično davao drugim ljudima.
Molim vas smatrajte da je davanje donacije, bez obrzira koliko možete, pomoć Ćuletovoj porodici. Vaša darežljivost će značajno uticati na pružanje pomoći njegovoj porodici tokom ovog teškog perioda.
Hvala vam na vašoj podršci, mislima I molitvama.
Sa poštovanjem,
Atlas SN Holding porodica
Natasa Krsic
Elk Grove Village, IL