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Help Martine Make Memories #livinginthenow

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On the 2nd January 2019, 28 year old Martine was diagnosed with an extremely rare ungraded possibly life limiting Cancer (Diffuse Leptomeningeal Glironeuronal tumour). Since August 2018 Martine has undergone multiple tests including MRI scans, lumbar punctures, CT Scans and blood tests only to be told she was a mystery and that it was unknown what was causing the excruciating headaches and pain that she was in.   In October a tumour was found at the base of her spine leaving medical experts with years of experience completely confused and helpless, struggling for answers.  Surgery was planned and delayed, resulting in Martine having to cross the border to England for treatment where after further analysis additional abnormalities were discovered in her spinal cord and on her brain.  Martine underwent successful surgery to remove a relatively large tumour from the base of her spine which was thought to be the cause of the pain. Unfortunately not all of this tumour was removed as part of it is matted within important nerve endings.  Five weeks post surgery Martine finally got the news she didn’t want to hear... and here we are today.  Martine is a wife and mother of two young boys. To add to the sadness of this story Martine’s husband Scott has already overcome a childhood Cancer himself leaving the young sweethearts in the unknown as to whether they would ever become parents and now that they are, these beautiful boys now may face a lifetime without their mother. Scott wasn’t discharged from aftercare at the cancer unit until 2017, where he was also diagnosed with a heart condition, Cardio Myopothy. The pair were looking for marital life insurance to cover Scott’s sick health and protect the family, however this proved extremely difficult to find someone to insure them.  Time flashed before their eyes when Martine started to decline with no insurance in place and no hope of ever getting insurance from there on.   So this brings us to the reasoning behind this go fund me page.  We, Martine’s family and friends are looking to help Martine and Scott make precious memories before it’s too late. These range from small family breaks away, flying  her younger brother Richard home from Australia  to visit the family at this sad time, possibly towards funeral costs if the inevitable happens and not to mention wife and hubby time.  We have plenty of fundraisers already in the pipeline but we just hope to raise enough money as quickly as possible to ease the pressure of family life so that Scott can be with Martine for as much of the process as he can.  Thank you  for reading Martine’s story, her bubbly, outrageous, one of a kind personality will not let this defeat her, as she would say herself ‘The Martine Show’ must go on.  Martine is due to visit her hospital on 10th January to discuss the start of her treatment...  Fingers crossed x


  • Madge Smith
    • £10
    • 5 años
  • Anónimo
    • £5
    • 5 años
  • Sharon Butler
    • £10
    • 5 años
  • Busy Bee Life Insurance
    • £100
    • 6 años
  • Anónimo
    • £10
    • 6 años

Organizador y beneficiario

Martine Adams
Martine Adams

Un sitio fácil, eficaz y de confianza donde encontrar ayuda

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