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We think, therefore we can be the authors of our lives...
My name is Dr Luis de Miranda. Not doctor as in checking your pulse but a philosophy doctor. I am interested in people's health but more precisely: a person's philosophical health.

I am the initiator of the Philosophical Health International movement. And I am the creator of the SMILE_PH methodology (Sense-Making Interviews Looking at Elements of Philosphical Health).

I believe philosophical health will be in the 21st century what physical and psychological health were in the 19th and 20th century. At the beginning of the century, it is a luxury for the happy few – by the end of the century, it is a necessity for all.

But what exactly is philosophical health?
Philosophical health is a state of fruitful coherence between a person’s (or collective’s) ways of thinking and speaking and their ways of acting, such that the possibilities for a good life are increased and the needs for flourishing satisfied, in respect of the world's harmony. Thinking as a way of healing, growing, understanding and creating balance between our bodily sense, our sense of self, our sense of belonging, our sense of the possible, our sense of purpose and our philosophical sense.

As a philosophical counselor, I conduct individual online conversations with individuals from all over the world to help them make sense of their life, to help them feel a greater sense of the possible, of holistic understanding and reality as an intercreative whole. I offer and want to offer help to people who otherwise could not afford a form of therapy or dialogue that respects their dignity and thirst for meaning.
I would like you to help me, not only offer sessions to those who cannot afford paid cogito-therapy but also develop a global AI platform that would help people discuss their philosophical health, with humans in the loop, and an AI learning to foster the wisdom of the crowds.

Philosophical health is not about finding what is wrong with a person in terms of diagnosis, norms or brain chemistry. It's about helping the person recover the mindful enthusiasm and proactive serenity of being a whole human being, with a sense of purpose and the capacity to stand for what they believe is right and fair.
By donating to our movement, you will help us find time to democratise philosophical counselling and create a Philosophical Health Institute.

We have the vision of a Philosophical Health Institute that will play a role in what is perhaps the highest civilisational challenge of mankind: creating, in this century, the continuous possibility of existential regeneration and existential authority for all beings, in one harmonised and compossible planet.

Please help me help the world, be part of the movement by making a symbolic donation now: https://gofundme.com/f/philosophicalhealth


Luis de Miranda
Saltsjö-Boo, AB, Sweden, AB