Rebecca Carver, Cancer Survivor
If you don't know Rebecca Carver she was diagnosed with Glioblastoma - a form of brain cancer that attacks the nervous system. The cancer was found when Rebecca began having seizures and was admitted to Sarasota Memorial Hospital. Eventually Rebecca had to undergo brain surgery.
The surgery seemed to go well but the fight wasn't over yet. Rebecca had to go in for more surgeries to get the rest of the cancer. After that seemed to be over, an infection set in from the surgeries. Rebecca was sent to Moffit Cancer Center.
Eventually Moffit was able to complete surgeries to combat the infection and any remaining cancer. Rebecca still goes through chemotherapy and regular scans to detect if there is any growth. There are still many medical bills and Rebecca (now being disabled) needs constant care to get through the day.
Any help you would give would be a blessing. Thank you.