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Support the Jabbi Family in Their Time of Loss

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My name is Mayuri Breen-Gonzalez, and I am the Campus Community School Director at Taft Educational Campus in the South Bronx. I am writing to ask for your support for one of our school families at Bronx High School for Business during an incredibly difficult time.

This past weekend, Mahmudo Jabbi, the 24-year-old brother of three of our students, Ibrahim, Alhasan, and Alhusain Jabbi, and Class of 2024 Alumni Idris Jabbi, tragically lost his life after being fatally shot. This devastating loss has left the Jabbi family shocked and in tremendous pain, and they are now facing the overwhelming task of covering funeral costs.

We are trying to raise $1,500 to assist the family with a portion of these unexpected expenses. Any contribution you can make will directly support the Jabbi family as they navigate this heartbreaking time. Your generosity will help alleviate some of the financial burden so they can focus on healing and honoring Mahmudo's memory.

Thank you for your kindness and support during this time of need. Every donation, no matter how small, makes a difference.

With sincere gratitude,
Mayuri Gonzalez
Community School Director
Taft Educational Campus
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Mayuri Gonzalez
New York, NY

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