Hoofdafbeelding inzamelingsactie

UWSMPH Guatemala Medical Mission

Beschermde donatie
For the past decade, UW-Madison SMPH students and faculty have traveled to San Lucas Tolimån, Guatemala, to work in satellite clinics around the southern/eastern areas near Lake Atitlån in rural Guatemala. Our work is in close conjunction with local health promoters allowing us to provide sustainable care that is responsive to the specific needs of the communities we serve.

A typical day for our group consists of organizing supplies for the day, traveling to a clinic site, and holding clinic in the morning and afternoon. While at the clinics, students work in groups to screen the patients, conduct a history and physical examination, and then present the patient to the providers for evaluation.

We are asking for donations to purchase medical equipment and medications. Some of these include:
■      Otoscopes (2)
■      Ophthalmoscopes (2)
■      BP cuffs (1-2)
■      Penlights (13)
■      Diabetes testing equipment
■      UA dipsticks and specimen cups (40)
■      Tums
■      Adult tylenol/ibuprofen
■      Prenatal vitamins
■      Children’s vitamins
■      Naproxen
■      Hydrocortisone
■      Diaper rash cream
■      Permethrin
■      Clotrimazole
■      Pregnancy tests
■      Scabies treatment
■      And more!

Please note that all donations will go directly to purchasing supplies. Any donations that go beyond our goal will be donated directly to the San Lucas Mission to fund further health initiatives. For more information about the San Lucas Mission, visit their website at www.sanlucasmission.org

Illustratie van helpende handen

Doneer $50 om deze inzamelingsactie te helpen zijn doel te bereiken

Doe een donatie
Doe een donatie


  • Mohit Gupta
    • $25
    • 8 jaar
  • Ryan Haggart
    • $30
    • 8 jaar
  • Cynthia Buechler
    • $20
    • 8 jaar
  • Karin Steinlicht
    • $25
    • 8 jaar
  • Anoniem
    • $52
    • 8 jaar
Illustratie van helpende handen

Doneer $50 om deze inzamelingsactie te helpen zijn doel te bereiken

Doe een donatie
Doe een donatie


Savannah Vogel
Madison, WI

Jouw gemakkelijke, krachtige en vertrouwde plek voor hulp

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