The Future of Fairfield...and the History Hut!
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The Fairfield Foundation involves the public in hands-on archaeology, historic preservation and history education on Virginia's Mi...Learn more
Fundraisers created by supporters like you
The Fairfield Foundation involves the public in hands-on archaeology, historic preservation and history education on Virginia's Middle Peninsula and in surrounding areas to encourage discussion, research, collaboration and preservation of historic resources. Historic properties include Fairfield Archaeology Park, Timberneck at Machicomoco State Park, Walter Reed Birthplace, Rosewell Ruins and Visitor Center, and the restored 1930s Edgehill Service Station (the Center for Archaeology, Preservation and Education). Established in 2000 to undertake archaeological and historical investigation at Fairfield plantation (1640s to 1897), the Foundation expanded to meet demand by offering school programs, public archaeology in the community, workshops, kids camps, and summer internships.
History museums, History, Genealogy, Historic preservation, Elementary and secondary education, Higher education, Continuing education, Anthropology, Historical activities
Historical Societies and Related Activities
Fairfield Foundation, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) public charity, EIN 54-2032867. Donations are tax-deductible. Select content is provided by GuideStar.