is the only independent nonprofit infrastructure advocacy platform in the United States. We are supporters of a comprehensive national infrastructure investment strategy to restore our built environment, keep U.S. businesses competitive and ensure our high quality of life.
We have already achieved so much: engaging over 260,000 individuals, building networks of stakeholders and concerned citizens, and forming a comprehensive online resource with more than 4,500 pages of content.
We hope to continue our support of infrastructure improvement in the United States, helping steward our nation into a new era of national infrastructure investments.In order to continue our advocacy, we need your help!
Why Is InfrastructureUSA Needed?Past and present administrations have promised comprehensive investment, but policies—and funding—have still not materialized. Regional and local efforts have increased to make up for a lack of comprehensive national strategy, and many of these efforts are succeeding. Still,
without a national dialogue to unify these strategies, the result is a series of disconnected, inequitable provisions—simply not enough.Across the country, our most vital infrastructure systems—including drinking water , roadways and energy —vary widely in availability, condition and cost of use. exists to bring all infrastructure stakeholders together into this urgently needed conversation. As non-partisan proponents of infrastructure investment, we publish studies with the full spectrum of perspectives side-by-side. We conduct interviews with business advocates, engineers and environmental leaders. Through our online interface, lawmakers, stakeholders and citizens can access thousands of reports, studies, op-eds and videos representing all angles and every viewpoint. Most importantly, we encourage user participation. More than just a library of resources, we host an online community that bridges regional and partisan gaps.
Now more than ever, we need a comprehensive dialogue on infrastructure in the United States. We need InfrastructureUSA to catalyze conversation and inspire meaningful action toward a national infrastructure strategy.
What Is Infrastructure?Infrastructure is the backbone of our nation. From reservoirs to highways, power lines to football stadiums,
infrastructure comprises the systems that make our day-to-day lives possible. Whether you are commuting on inter-city rail or watching TV at home, you are making use of the infrastructure already in place.
All infrastructure systems are shared resources. Some are business assets operated for profit, but the majority of infrastructure in the United States is owned and operated by federal, state or local governments.
Our infrastructure includes:Roads, highways, bridges and tunnels
Regional and inter-city rail
Buses, subways and light rail
Bikeshare systems, bike lanes and bike trails
Power plants, wind turbines, solar panels and power lines
Broadband lines, communications towers and server centers
Dams and reservoirs
Water treatment plants, water storage facilities and water pipes
School buildings, government buildings and urban park space
More About InfrastructureUSAOur MissionWe are supporters of a comprehensive national infrastructure investment strategy in the USA.
Our contains over 4,500 individual posts, offering an ongoing archive of poignant infrastructure topics and events.
Transportation subjects are at the core, along with studies and reports focusing on all areas of infrastructure. Water, smart growth and broadband are emerging as important issues for citizens and industry. In terms of audience engagement, our top content categories include transportation, energy and urban planning.
The Infra Blog features opinions, guest posts, and original interviews with more than 200 key figures in government and industry including Secretaries of Transportation, mayors, union presidents, leaders of national organizations, members of Congress, and many corporate leaders.
Infra Views aggregates the latest research, presenting reports, analyses, and studies from hundreds of groups including think tanks, trade associations, corporations, government bodies and advocacy groups.
Show Us Your Infra! is where you’ll find multimedia testimony of U.S. infrastructure achievements, ideas and deficits.
Infra Polls is an ongoing measure of public opinion on a variety of key infrastructure issues.
Infra Update, our bi-weekly newsletter, features selected posts from our three blogs.
Where Will Your Donations Go?InfrastructureUSA is a big output/ small budget organization. All of your donations will go toward supporting our current operations and future growth.
OperationsOur organization is staffed by a small team of multi-talented professionals who strive to maximize output on a tight budget. We constantly research, gather and produce content; conduct interviews; maintain social networks and communicate directly with a wide variety of stakeholders.
Steve Anderson, Managing DirectorAgatha Malacos, Director of OutreachJoe Gentle, Content Coordinator