There are almost NO veterinarians in all of New York State who will treat raccoons.
Gordon Wildlife’s co-founder Dr. Paul Bookbinder, is one of very few veterinarians in all of New York State who will assist rehabilitators with raccoons when they are in trouble.
EVEN THE WILDLIFE HOSPITAL AT CORNELL WILL NOT TAKE RACCOONS. Paul currently does this work whenever he can in his spare time, off hours, with extremely limited availability of his clinic space. Paul donates all of his time and knowledge and the use of his practice and medications to rehabbers for helping with their raccoons.
We are raising money to try to get an independent medical clinic for wildlife established near our wildlife rehabilitation center in Earlville so that we can help more rehabbers in need. One of the key pieces of diagnostic equipment we need there is a digital x-ray machine.
We have already acquired a building and renovated a dedicated room for this valuable piece of equipment. Now we need to buy it and install the lead lining for the walls and special electrical lines, etc. Paul and I put a tremendous amount of our own money into the rehab work in addition to donating our time and efforts, but this purchase is beyond us. All told, it’s going to cost approximately $53,000 to get this machine purchased and in place.
We are very proud and grateful to announce that, to date, we have fundraised $30,000 towards this machine:
$2,000 CNY Tuesday Grant from Upstate Shredding
$5,000 Central New York Community Foundation
$5,000 Community Foundation for South Central New York
$5,000 Gorman Foundation
$5,000 Joseph Robert Foundation
$5,000 from a private donor
We are unspeakably grateful for this support and are now trying to find other grants, fundraising opportunities or donors to help us.
Even small amounts help us towards the larger goal. As my Dad used to say, "Just keep putting one foot in front of the other and you'll get there". "Small" support feels equally big to us. We know it's all love!
Paul and I do all we can to help other rehabilitators with their animals in addition to caring for all of the raccoons we take in at our own rehabilitation center. This is our passion and our calling and if you are able to help us get the word out so that we can continue to help others, we would be very grateful!
And thank you so much to all of our supporters and donors so far. We couldn’t do this without you!!!
Thanks and love from Paul and Sarah Bookbinder and all the raccoons, past and future, of the Charles N Gordon Wildlife Rehabilitation Center.
As a wildlife rehabilitation center, we are unusually fortunate in having been co-founded by a veterinarian. We try to "share the wealth" and help other rehabbers to also benefit from this medical presence whenever possible. We already do all that we can to provide medical advice, exams, vaccines, and medications to other rehabbers. The addition of portable x-ray technology at the wildlife center would ultimately allow us to expand the ways in which we could help other rehabilitators to diagnose and care for their own animals.
No one receives any payment at the wildlife center for their work, including for veterinary or rehabilitation services. We are not funded by the government in any way and pay for all food, medical supplies, caging, facilities, etc. ourselves. We are extremely grateful for any contribution and our 501(c)3 status means that your donations are 100% tax deductible. The Charles N Gordon Wildlife Rehabilitation Center in Earlville NY was founded in 2018 by licensed RVS wildlife rehabilitator Sarah Bookbinder and Paul Bookbinder, DVM, DACVS. For more information please visit